Wings are not working

Created with source only.
Created with source only.
The adventure through the Darkness forest of Andy the ant with the magic flower... Bee: hey buddy, do you know this is the treasure of the forest? Thanks to stock-feele (DA) for the forest.
whole image created with source and used crack and spiders brushes
Ship and moon created with source Sky and sea are external. Thanks to maerocks and De_Lima Inspired by movie "Ghost Ship"
No other sources for structure elements used, only textures found at Links to textures that were used can be found in the SBS as they were applied. Hope you like it! Thanks
Thanks to ''imstuck'' for source 1 Thanks to ''zotus'' for source 2 Thanks to ''suneko'' for source 3 Thanks to ''rabieshund'' for source 4
For: fox home contest
Chess pieces created using Cinema 4D.
For: chess pieces contest
For: chess pieces contest
Modeled in 3ds max and rendered with mental ray. Only original textures used.
For: chess pieces contest
huge 3 player chess... please vote and comment this entry...
For: chess pieces contest
Thank you to feelidae for the use of the stock photo 'Coloured horse' and thank you to amcmillan for the stock photo 'Good Fences Make Good Neighbors' these photos were used as a guide to create the Knight.
For: chess pieces contest
Rising lady from the ground... made by the original tree. No extra photos.
For: tree in mist contest
I use the given green pattern on fish to show glowing fish... Rest of all created in Photoshop...
Spring is in the air. There's something special that makes you feel like singing and dancing - thus, The rite of Spring. Everything is created from the source photo.
my photos and source
This is a surreal work..and I tried to show the bound between the "artist battle field"..which clearly is PS and the art piece itself...that's why I thought it would be nice to let the transparency texture on the background...I hope that now it makes sense. credits and thanks: http://n...
...for sailor male parrots... :D
evolution doesnt have limits
For: kitchen creatures contest
Inspired from the Lord of the rings movies... thanks and credits to 'duchesssa', 'salsachica ', 'Magos' and sxc hu Please see the enlarged version before voting...
For: kitchen creatures contest