Warrior and the Hunter

For: kitchen creatures contest
For: kitchen creatures contest
For: kitchen creatures contest
Thanks to ueckermann, _mutt, duchesssa and EdwinP Inspired by the movie "Finding Nemo"
For: kitchen creatures contest
Only source used
For: falcon contest
source and my own image used.....
For: falcon contest
made from source only
For: falcon contest
The falcon sculpture immediately reminded me of the pattern in the loon's feathers. I used one of my own paintings which I did in the Adirondacks for a reference (this is in my SBS). Thanks so much to siilur at morguefile.com for the lovely background misty sunset lake. Please see my SBS for deta...
For: falcon contest
Source only, clouds filter for background and soft brushes
For: falcon contest
http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=956120 by jusone on sxc
For: falcon contest
Enjoy :)
For: falcon contest
For: beach branch contest
Thanks to night-fate-stock! All other stock used is hers :)
only source image used
For: meter guard contest
Just image provided by pxleyes, was used for this work.
For: meter guard contest
Only the source image is used
For: meter guard contest
Source only
For: meter guard contest
For: curved arrow contest
Only Source
For: curved arrow contest
For: curved arrow contest
The image is created with Photoshop and CorelDraw (only for the upper rectangle). Please see sbs and high res before voting
All sources used are mine Enjoy!
Only source
For: sun beams contest
Only the source image used
For: chandelier contest