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Only source photo was used for this entry. Background is chandelier with many conversions and gradient layer added; flowers were formed from chandelier with liquify tool, then lots of work with color changes and brush tools. Please see SBS for details.
For: chandelier contest
Only gnome source was used for everything in this entry. Some shapes were made using liquify tool, others with lasso tool and brush tools. See SBS for details.
For: dwarf contest
Poor little drunk dude is seeing things ;P ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ All source... Reference used... Bubble brush used...
For: dwarf contest
made in Photoshop CS3, only contest source used. Lots of cut and paste, warp and transform
For: letters contest
The work done in 3ds max and vray and no external textures and worked simply with reflections and refractions of the material
For: crown me contest
All source with Reference :)
For: papaya tree contest
Used the source image, Photoshop CS4 and CorelDraw for some of the small shapes and stems
For: papaya tree contest
Snake and parrots were all created from the papaya source image. Thanks to kconnors at morguefile for the tree background and to greenside8 at morguefile for the reference parrot.
For: papaya tree contest
Hi all.... please help me with ur fabulous comments.... to makeup this one..
For: papaya tree contest
Entire Entry is made of the 2 stock images in the links. with color overlays, dodge and burn and a little free hand. has been about 8 months since I had an entry, got caught up with work, hope you all enjoy it! source 1 - pieces where used to build the scene. source 2, books in image, wit...
For: pop up book contest
Those written about in our family bible geneology pages hold many wonderful memories. I wish they could actually 'pop up' and become real again. Thanks to the following: At morguefile.com, kakisky for the boy with the kite; clarita for the background of books;hotblack for the man flying the kite;...
For: pop up book contest
Just image source.
For: coconuts contest
Only the Coconuts source image is used
For: coconuts contest
I wanted to create a fairly normal landscape with some very unusual aspects (Impossible cloud formations and unusual texture for the foreground mountain)
For: coconuts contest
Just two nuts in love hanging out and holding hands..... :D I used only the source. Hope you like it! =)
For: coconuts contest