Sweet Mrs Tree-cup ...

All source and some drawing :) SBS on it's way.
All source and some drawing :) SBS on it's way.
Only source image in the final result. Outside source used as ref is my own picture. Please view in high resolution.
source and scanned eye ball
Only the source image is used.
Only source ..
For: mask closeup contest
This is primarily photoshop with one outside source. I used smart sharpen on the mask image and worked to marry photos with illustration. Even the background is from the contest source. Combination of noise and texture filters with gaussian blurs created the textures.
For: mask closeup contest
Oldie... Hope You like it :-) Watch Hi-Res
For: xmas lights contest
For: xmas lights contest
all source
For: xmas lights contest
Only the source image is used.
For: stones contest
what I saw looking at the source were lots of lines and this is how the line horse was born. after countless layers and lots of time I think the result is simple but also complicated like the horse I wish to have one day (this time a real one)
For: map stack contest
Children always remember the fun times.
The image for the background was done by me, using apohysis a 3D flames render program. The rest is the image source and PS Thanks for comments.... blurred the shadows.....!
For: white flower contest
All source image. hope ya all like it. :) Used one brush, from this set. http://www.thepixlpusher.com/free-brushes-of-clouds/
All painting... refer to SBS... ...and this was done with a mouse...yup..my hand is stiff (6hrs painting) Only basic brushes used :) "Hard mechanical/soft mechanical"
For: sosia mania contest
I´ve drawn her: http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/download/file.php?id=126 hope this is on theme
For: sosia mania contest
For: angry mascot contest
thanks to lejla for the bread
For: bread stack contest