puppies on board

pls see Hi-res
For: flying dog contest
pls see Hi-res
For: flying dog contest
Because I flatten the layers by mistake I cant provide step by step layers, but I will describe the process. For all this I used a graphic table.First on a duplicate layer use liquify tool to make changes on the face contour. Duplicate that layer then adjust the color with selective colors and ma...
For: young again contest
thanks zxcdesigns, matrija-stock, markhal, eirian-stock for the images
This is a very stylized interpretation using only the source along with some brushed-in ropes, tree trunks, and details on ship. Details in SBS.
Only source image used.
Used the source image, Photoshop and Illustrator
The bubbles where made following (more or less) this tutorial: http://vector.tutsplus.com/tutorials/illustration/how-to-create-realistic-vector-bubbles/ but done on photoshop, not illustrator...
cloud brush thanks fudgegraphics http://fudgegraphics.deviantart.com/art/Hi-Res-Clouds-PS-Brush-Set-1-162336966 baby image from private stock (see SBS)
fanaticartsstock-http://fanaticartsstock.deviantart.com/ jeroen belen-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/jeroenbeel joseph-http://equilerex.deviantart.com/ Mauricio Montiel-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/mauromb Thanks a lot for the images that i used for this entry. Also big thanks to CG Textures and...
Used Illustrator and Photoshop to create this image. No outside sources or references.
Thanks to Megan1970, Meta-Stock and NightFateStock
For: mini ship contest
Special thanks to Kristina or INTERGALACTIC_STOCK for the girl. (author was notified via NOTE)
media used : photoshop cs5 credits 1.elea24 2.mizzd-stock 3.raindroppe 4.cittycat 5.Sammykaye1sStamps 6.Sammykaye1sStamps 7.Sammykaye1sStamps 8.turtledove-stock
I hope you like it.
For: plastic toys contest
Thanks to akk_russ at flckr.com for the background trees and to Reini68 at flickr.com for the praying mantis source.
For: plastic toys contest
For: plastic toys contest