Rope tow shack

Leavenworth WA
For: outbuildings contest
Leavenworth WA
For: outbuildings contest
These guys come in two categories. Somewhat skittish and Extremely Skittish. This is a somewhat skittish lizard. As long as there are no sudden movements he was perfectly happy to pose.
For: reptiles 2 contest
Dad holding son 11.5 weeks premature. 1989 photo...sorry for the poor quality.
For: parent child contest
We get a lot of grass fires around here finding a spot to photograph them is not always easy.
For: gutsy shots contest
hoar·frost (hôr frôst , -fr st , h r -). n. Frozen dew that forms a white coating on a surface. Also called white frost.
For: white contest
Program used: Dynamic Photo
For: three hdr contest
Exposure 0.001 sec (1/2000) Aperture f/3.5 Focal Length 160 mm
For: greatest dof contest
Exposure 4 sec (4) Aperture f/5.6 Focal Length 50 mm
For: greatest dof contest
My son, while on vacation. We sent this picture to his Grandma
For: smile please contest
Lightning strikes. Exposure 8 seconds. Rain storm, wet ground...metal tripod. I survived!
For: time lapse 2 contest
Fireworks display near where I live. 13 second exposure
For: time lapse 2 contest
Used the interval time on my camera. Exposure 1.3 seconds. Shutter fired every 2 seconds. 300 with lightning.
I went to an antique store and found some old books. I cut out the pictures of the animals using an x-acto knife and then made a little tab on the bottom. I then inserted the tab into a cut I made in the cardboard and placed the animals at different locations. Using a black background and a rear syn...
For: miniatures contest
Using a pen light. Exposure 12.8 seconds.
For: light source contest
Large storm cell over Waterville Wa
For: dark skies 2 contest