3010 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Very realistic! A fossil...

(5 years and 3541 days ago)

Pisces at the Pisces Tablets
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice! Would be better with SBS.

(5 years and 3541 days ago)

Pisces at the Pisces Tablets
avatar RAZ0R
RAZ0R [banned] says:

(5 years and 3541 days ago)

Big Tuna
avatar RAZ0R
RAZ0R [banned] says:

(5 years and 3541 days ago)

A Fishy Encounter
avatar darkshellie23

Nice work.author

(5 years and 3541 days ago)

A Fishy Encounter
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Great composition. Good job

(5 years and 3541 days ago)

A Fishy Encounter
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Very nice blending author

(5 years and 3541 days ago)

Big Tuna
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Very nice work you did following that tut - fantastically eerie look!

(5 years and 3542 days ago)

A Fishy Encounter
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:


(5 years and 3542 days ago)

A Fishy Encounter
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Beautiful compo, author! I like it a lot...

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

A Fishy Encounter
avatar demi
demi says:

great job

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

A Fishy Encounter
avatar Kid
Kid says:

I think the composition is fine the way it is, good luck!

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

avatar Kid
Kid says:

Very nice job masking

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

Trees Everywhere
avatar demi
demi says:

excellent job

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

Big Tuna
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Fantastic extraction and cloning, author, and great background image for this, works well!

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

Big Tuna
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice work the work blending in the skeleton is very well done-- one small thing is there is a line coming off the back and seem to go into the upper jaw -- not sure what is is but seem a bit odd IMHO also if i am going to nitpick the area of the lower jaw where the blue shirt is seem off -- not sure what it is that is off or even how to fix it

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

Big Tuna
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

Very nice blending and the work on the leopard source is well done

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Great idea author,love the final product...best of luck

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Big Tuna
no avatar

great job man

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Big Tuna
avatar Drivenslush

it really doesn't look like you did anything author... that IS AWESOME!!!!

(butt wiggle like Cameron Diaz in the first installment of Charlie's Angels when she's in her underoos!!) they don't have an em-icon for that

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Big Tuna
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Very realistic!

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Big Tuna
avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:


(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Trees Everywhere
avatar demi
demi says:

good one

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Trees Everywhere
avatar mishti
mishti says:

i agree@ erikuri

(5 years and 3550 days ago)

Trees Everywhere
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

If we could grow trees as easy as we do in PS, it'd be so nice!... We need much green in this Planet!!! We need air...

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

Trees Everywhere
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Kind of agrees about moving to the right but that's just IMO. This is cool too. Well blended. GL!

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

avatar cabldawg71

hoot!! nice chop Author

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

no avatar

Best of Luck.......Good Job Author.

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

Valkyrie City
avatar RAZ0R
RAZ0R [banned] says:

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

Valkyrie City
avatar cabldawg71

Good idea Author

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

Valkyrie City
avatar cabldawg71

Cool take on this, good job

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
avatar demi
demi says:

Very beautiful entry

(5 years and 3552 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

LEAVE THAT OWL ALONE!!! (excellent work)

(5 years and 3552 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Now that I've seen the leopard source, kudos for removing all that grass from the figure. Higher vote from me now. My only nitpick is about the composition: if they could be moved to the right a bit it would work better IMHO. Good luck!

(5 years and 3552 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good sense of drama in your image. You need a source link for the leopard.

(5 years and 3552 days ago)

avatar demi
demi says:

(5 years and 3553 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
avatar artgirl1935

Depth and constrast are terrific! GJ

(5 years and 3553 days ago)

Commander Pearl
avatar FairyGardens

awww.....so cute!

(5 years and 3553 days ago)

Big Bear Lake
avatar demi
demi says:

very nice

(5 years and 3554 days ago)

Commander Pearl
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

I LOVE the colors!

(5 years and 3554 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

It's more like a city in the clouds now. Well done! GL!

(5 years and 3554 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

beautiful idea and nice work ........... all the best to u ........... :

(5 years and 3554 days ago)

Commander Pearl
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Nothing like 'mood lighting' in a cockpit! Great fantasy, author.
Cloud blur helps a lot.

(5 years and 3554 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

nice entry .......... like the idea .......... all the best ...........

(5 years and 3555 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

What's the city reflected on?

(5 years and 3555 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
no avatar
jtprabu says:

What a idea!!!!!Great ....

(5 years and 3555 days ago)

Commander Pearl
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

You don't have to if you don't want but it is nice to see your techniques. When you use multiple external sources, SBS is optional. I will say, it doesn't quite look like a cloud city to me, more like low fog. Maybe if you positioned the city higher and showed some kind of sky underneath, to show a realistic city in the clouds and not just a heavy fog bank. That's mainly IMO.

I'll hold my vote.

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
avatar RAZ0R
RAZ0R [banned] says:

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

!0 Miles Out of Cloud Town
no avatar

well done.. congrats...

(5 years and 3557 days ago)

Big Bear Lake
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:


(5 years and 3557 days ago)

Big Bear Lake