good morning

For: clothes pin contest
I was fascinated by this special little creature I could observe so closely. It is intriguing how tiny it is, how different an insect's life is to ours. It is one thing to read about a grasshopper on wikipedia, but another to feel the tiny steps on your skin and watch the feelers move when it tries...
For: best things contest
Minolta Dynax 500si, ISO 50 Only level adjustment
For: old camera contest
Minolta Dynax 500si, ISO 50 Only level adjustment.
For: old camera contest
This pic was taken with my beloved Minolta Dynax 500si, bw Film, ISO 1600. It was around 1996 backstage of a performance night at the ballett school. I only adjusted the levels.
For: old camera contest
For: in the rain contest
For: electrity contest
maybe you like this better :-)