Lonely Souls

For: animals in the wild contest
For: night clubs contest
My Uncle gave this rope to me on my first trip out west, he showed me how to use it and just like riding a bike I've never forgotten how. That was nearly 20 years ago, it's fun dragging out old memories.
For: rope contest
For: barnyard 2 contest
For: bubbles 2 contest
For: bubbles 2 contest
While climbing a mountain at 6 a.m. to get a shot of the valley below I came across this single cactus. The contrast between it, the rock covered mountain, and the sunrise made me stop to get this unique shot.
For: cactus contest
For: urban decay contest
In my city the Mayor has laid off half of the firefighters and police officers, since the layoff there has been 2 fires per week each on opposite sides of town at the same time. Coincidence...?
For: disasters contest
For: urban decay contest
For: alleyways 2 contest
For: sand 2 contest