What are your hobbies?
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lolin92: Drawing, Sewing, do 3D stuffs, Go out, Gaming(anything, mostly RPG,MORPG), Cosplaying, do something different

What is your favorite movie?
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lolin92: anything funny and epic XD

What is your favorite cartoon?
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lolin92: All 0w0

Who is your favorite singer/band?
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lolin92: Any one...as long as it's not hard core Metal and Old Chinese songs

What is your favorite song?
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lolin92: listen to any songs as long as it's nice to hear

What is your favorite television show/soap/sitcom?
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lolin92: How I met your mother, Friends, Big Bang Theory

The most beautiful man in the world according to you?
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lolin92: tall, pretty? XD

What is your favorite food?
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lolin92: Any thing delicious

What is your favorite colour?
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lolin92: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Black

Love or Lust?
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lolin92: Love

Vanilla or chocolate?
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lolin92: Chocolate

Morning or evening person?
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lolin92: Night

Summer or winter?
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lolin92: Winter

Van Gogh or Picasso?
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lolin92: Picasso

Black or white?
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lolin92: Black

Coffee or tea?
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lolin92: Tea

What is your favorite photoshop tool?
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lolin92: Filters

What do you love most on PXLEyes?
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lolin92: the 3D Tutorials and Competitions

What do you hate most on PXLEyes?
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lolin92: there are lots of awesome ppl but i also love them XD *wishing to be them*

Did you make any new friends on PXLEyes?
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lolin92: not yet

How much time do you spend on PXLEyes?
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lolin92: a while, but i'm still noob X3

What graphical programs do you use?
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lolin92: Sai, Photoshop, Corel(a bit), Maya 2011

When did you start with computer graphics?
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lolin92: High School