1296 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar George55
George55 says:

I think is a good blending, I know it is not easy to morph a woman into a man.... you did great, good luck!

(5 years and 2514 days ago)

be me !
avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

Nice, frame 4 looks like a Vulcan, lol. Nice touch with the flower at the end. Would have loved to see the body morphing as well.

(5 years and 2515 days ago)

be me !
avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

Rules say "show us a woman morphing into a man or vice versa". Looks like two women to me??

(5 years and 2517 days ago)

be me !
avatar pikkar
pikkar says:

very nice like it

(5 years and 2527 days ago)

avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Very disconcerting and jarring. Wow. Blending, light & shadow. Well done!

(5 years and 2528 days ago)

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

I really like this perspective and take on the main source. Nice to see it in a different position. Also like the color in the water area. Nice job, author!

(5 years and 2569 days ago)

no avatar

Very cool! Nice take.

(5 years and 2570 days ago)

avatar JamesD
JamesD says:

Yes, looking a lot better now those parts have been dealt with ... Good luck author!!

(5 years and 2571 days ago)

The Big Tree
avatar JamesD
JamesD says:

Interesting entry, but I noticed the houses in the background are skewed, and also there are some blending issues / artefacts around the tree and in the sky - noticeable in high res.

(5 years and 2571 days ago)

The Big Tree
avatar Cellesmiles

Love it!

(5 years and 2572 days ago)

The Big Tree
avatar Lorena_99
Lorena_99 says:

Nice work!

(5 years and 2573 days ago)

The Big Tree
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Well, I think the view is from outside to inside the boat / submarine or something like that and here is from inside to outside....

(5 years and 2573 days ago)

no avatar
Keiley22 says:

I think it looks great. Nice find on the stock photos beautiful model. Goodluck.

(5 years and 2575 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Nice idea, though perhaps left under there's also some highlight needed to give a more volume effect. Good luck!

(5 years and 2575 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

I think the shading gives the glass enough of a fisheye effect. Good idea, author.

(5 years and 2575 days ago)

no avatar
Guiltss says:

I think the glass needs a fisheye effect

(5 years and 2575 days ago)

avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

hahaha this is nice

(5 years and 2595 days ago)

avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:


(5 years and 2609 days ago)

La caresse
avatar spaceranger

Congrats!! Très bien!

(5 years and 2609 days ago)

La caresse
avatar Carl Fourniez

Félicitation, c'est fantastique. Je suis très heureux que l'inspiration te revienne. Super boulot, chapeau bas l'artiste ! Biz. Carlito.

(5 years and 2612 days ago)

avatar Galena
Galena says:

Nice composition

(5 years and 2613 days ago)

La caresse
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Links 1-3 don't work.

(5 years and 2613 days ago)

La caresse
avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

well its really nice gl

(5 years and 2631 days ago)

avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

congrats its awesome

(5 years and 2634 days ago)

The Kiss
avatar Chrys Rizzo


(5 years and 2636 days ago)

The Kiss
avatar Se7eN0f9
Se7eN0f9 says:


(5 years and 2637 days ago)

The Kiss
avatar Carl Fourniez

Non, sans déconner, tu ne vois pas le nombre de fois ou tu finis dans le top 3 !!! C'est génial, tu es génial. J'ai hâte de participer à ces challenges (plus on est de fous, plus on rit !!!) Zou, bisous, bisous... A+

(5 years and 2637 days ago)

The Kiss
avatar Carl Fourniez


(5 years and 2637 days ago)

The Kiss
avatar madamemonty

Congrats well done

(5 years and 2638 days ago)

The Kiss
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Hair detail is lost.

(5 years and 2639 days ago)

avatar rahul.savalia26


(5 years and 2642 days ago)

In The Moon
avatar Carl Fourniez

Harcourt studio can close !

(5 years and 2644 days ago)

In The Moon
avatar Carl Fourniez

Great artist, fabulous !!!

(5 years and 2644 days ago)

luna y luno
avatar spaceranger

Congrats again!!

(5 years and 2645 days ago)

luna y luno
avatar spaceranger

Congrats, well done!!

(5 years and 2645 days ago)

In The Moon
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:


(5 years and 2645 days ago)

In The Moon
avatar nicehotcupoftea


(5 years and 2645 days ago)

In The Moon
avatar Carl Fourniez

Wonderful tree tilmes can be excesive, for me it's less !!!

(5 years and 2645 days ago)

avatar Carl Fourniez

Wonderful !

(5 years and 2645 days ago)

avatar Carl Fourniez

Wonderful !

(5 years and 2645 days ago)

avatar Carl Fourniez

Wonderful !

(5 years and 2645 days ago)

avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

my fav, great contrast and placement of the shades and nice touch with the texture.

(5 years and 2646 days ago)

luna y luno
avatar rusvelt2000

Well done author, lovely result. GL

(5 years and 2647 days ago)

In The Moon
avatar Chrys Rizzo


(5 years and 2649 days ago)

In The Moon
avatar vertigo
vertigo says:

Congrats, like it a lot!

(5 years and 2658 days ago)

avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:


(5 years and 2658 days ago)

avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 2658 days ago)

avatar dustfinger

Fascinating image. High marks from me.

(5 years and 2661 days ago)

avatar spaceranger

I like this hat better than the original, nice fix! Very cute steampunk kid!

(5 years and 2661 days ago)

avatar lincemiope

a great fantasy, and a great work. bravissimo

(5 years and 2662 days ago)