You Can Dance You Can Jive

Dancing Queen from the source
Dancing Queen from the source
My first thought for this contest was to wake a lightbulb balloon! This just seemed like a very steam punk-ish thing to do so I ran with that :)
For: hot air contest
I had been wanting to participate in this contest but have not had time. I looked last night and saw that it ended today. So I just started painting to see how far I would get and wound up staying up way to late, I just couldn't stop! :)
For: air balloons contest
For: air balloons contest
For the first time R, G and B have dared to come out of the computer screen...And they can feel the nature..... they r away from virtual world..... experiencing the reality
For: air balloons contest
Be sure to view the High Res :)
For: stairway to contest
For: many eyes contest
Sorry about the lack of sbs, but it's really late and i ran out of time. credits to mjranum-stock
I have the first alternate design on my SBS. Please feel free to check on it & leave some feedback if you'd like. This was a quick concept I made during my free time. Just want to participate anyway. Btw, I hope this is quite a "Less is More" Shirt-Design. --- Thanks in adv...
For: pxl on tour contest
Only source image used for this entry, provided by pxleyes.
For: swirly contest
Thanks to Dave Rogers for the source photo.
For: yellow leaf contest
the back could be the other side of the earth and people could mark their approx. location
For: pxl on tour contest
11 ruins 2 - Statique77§ion=&q=tunisia23#/d3278hb (approval to use image in SBS) 12 ocean - salsoul 13 ocean 2 - theswedish 14 underwate...
have a refreshing sip of lion beer in the evening, quenches your thirst and gives you new strength for next days work. Please have a look at the full res, thank you.
only source image is used see sbs for detail
For: rubber ducks contest
The Trojan Horse is a tale from the Trojan War, as told in Virgil's Latin epic poem The Aeneid, also by Dionysius, Apollodorus and Quintus of Smyrna. The events in this story from the Bronze Age took place after Homer's Iliad, and before his Odyssey. It was the stratagem that allowed the Greeks fina...
For: rubber ducks contest