
thanks to jaskier for suggesting this image for a contest http://www.pxleyes.com/images/contests/gate-ornament/fullsize/sourceimage.jpg
For: tilted bulb contest
thanks to jaskier for suggesting this image for a contest http://www.pxleyes.com/images/contests/gate-ornament/fullsize/sourceimage.jpg
For: tilted bulb contest
Thanks to fables98 and Charligal
Credits to: v-k-s shadowed-light-waves stock-gallery
I made this entry for a contest on deviantart, and i decided to submit it here too.
For: swiss border contest
Guys, anything that has to be corrected can not be! Unfortunately I did not save the PSD and you can not imagine how I am so furious. Because of this, SBS can not be done. So I improvised SBS, but will not say much, just where I put each element. Sorry, I am very upset for having sh@#!
For: swiss border contest
revisited, and redone sbs may not happen as I was piecing this together and not saving. thanks violentz thanks jadis
Who knows what lurks beneath the waves in toy land!
For: rubber ducks contest
Used the source and Photoshop
For: tilted bulb contest
Used Illustrator and Photoshop As guidelines used also these 2 tuts: 1. http://www.gomediazine.com/tutorials/photoshop/retro-modernist-poster-design-3d-typography/ 2. http://designinstruct.com/graphic-design/make-a-retro-space-typography-poster-with-colorful-lights/
For: retro contest
Images, magic wand, adjusts, filters, erase tool, blur tool
This is my beautiful sister :) I made her this for her birthday (it was actually yesterday but this took longer than I thought it would) I did go to the link on the contest description and scrolled down through all the different images for some inspiration!! I ended up using this one (http://psd.tu...
For: retro contest
Sources: for texture: http://www.pxleyes.com/images/users/m/mqtrf/419/fullsize/4a7087f650c63.jpg tutorial guideline: http://pshero.com/photoshop-tutorials/graphic-design/antique-ace-of-spades
For: retro contest
For: fresh veggie contest
For: enhancement contest
This is a good friend of mine I did a photo shoot for several years back. hope you like it...her :)
For: enhancement contest
I actually started this intending for it to be funny. I had a penguin under the turtle looking like it was screaming because the turtle was going to smash it. and the turtle looked like it was falling really fast. But then I found the baby turtle in the perfect position and the picture evolved into ...
please see high resolution before voting friends!!
For: dill flower contest
Only source photo was used for everything in image. All details in SBS.
For: dill flower contest