The Seduction of Adonis

Because I flatten the layers by mistake I cant provide step by step layers, but I will describe the process. For all this I used a graphic table.First on a duplicate layer use liquify tool to make changes on the face contour. Duplicate that layer then adjust the color with selective colors and ma...
For: young again contest
For: mini ship contest
Haven't made an entry a long time. Today I had the time and courage to make one, this is what popped out of my mind. Hope you like it and let me know what you think. Special thanks to JavierZhX for the cloud brush.
For: mini ship contest
Special thanks to Kristina or INTERGALACTIC_STOCK for the girl. (author was notified via NOTE)
media used : photoshop cs5 credits 1.elea24 2.mizzd-stock 3.raindroppe 4.cittycat 5.Sammykaye1sStamps 6.Sammykaye1sStamps 7.Sammykaye1sStamps 8.turtledove-stock
I decided to go the route of Fright Night style b-movies. Inspired by those movies that look AWESOME based on the cover, but have a horrible low budget batch of special fx and dialog that could about kill an audience. *edit. seems without my knowledge (i checked the link earlier and it worked) th...
Hello! I painted it all with only the mouse, drawing by drawing. Colored with Hue Saturation layer and blending. He was literally painted. Hope you enjoy the result. See the SOURCE before voting;)
The hair and bubbles were done with the help ob this tutorial i used pen tool and burn and dodge tools foe highlights and shadows
For: bubbles contest
He was a country boy before his brain was erased and implanted into a cameranator. Inside the killing machine, something innocent still exists. The sources I used can be seen easily from my SBS, I didn't distort any of them, so I didn't make descriptions. For the last steps I used soft brush to pa...
For: cameranator contest
Hi! I hope you like my new entry! :D I always wanted to do something with a sea monster, in this case a sea tortoise but hey, they sure do look like sea monsters.. Well ALLOT of layers, cutting out using the pen tool, lighting and shading, masking sure came in handy :) and at the end some nice...
For: tortoise contest
"You put and fly" lol
For: crazy shoes contest
For: stone wheel contest
Just the source photo used with birds and background drawn and brushed in.
For: bowling pin contest
Thanks to stock provider Auroradreams for all figures in the image. The Seascape is by mqtrf from last weeks Wild Sea contest. Window photo is my own - see SBS
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
boy & mountains are private stock images see in sbs
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
"...OH sing me a song you're the Piano Frog..." You know how the song goes. Thanks to am-y at and istockphotos Ellande.
For: frog closeup contest
Thanks to: sixwings ; kristinkk ; jasonaaronbaca ; from DA for sources :)
For: eight bit contest
i followed this tutorial
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
A Cheerleading pyramid is all they could muster up. Pathetic indeed. I suppose some people approve. The Eye Bot guy at top of pile is noticing the accolades. Wood image is my own. Please see high resolution.
For: eye bot contest