
Careful not to judge too soon... there may be a medieval wizard inside that old man. All source but for the gem and the background.
For: bearded man contest
Careful not to judge too soon... there may be a medieval wizard inside that old man. All source but for the gem and the background.
For: bearded man contest
For: four glasses contest
For cmyk......., enjoy
For: microscope contest
I thank all the guardian angel that own the stocks I've used. ;) Model: Sinned-angel-stock Forest: Eirian-stock Rock Path: eyewish-stock Water Lilli 1: kmstock Water Lilli 2: staciabennett Fern 1: Smack Babe Fern 2: Garr1971 Unicorn: Shoofly-Stock Wings: MaureenOlder
For: horse mania contest
credits and thanks: http://chop-sto...
For: cakes contest
For: white bird contest
Plot: Emil was an orphan after she was born. At the age of 6, a strange man told her that she was inherited a factory that her father established. He was a great inventor who loved steampunk machines. It took him 10 years to build up this factory and all the machines were made by himself. His wife w...
For: flickr ratatouille contest
Vampires favorite type of moon, this was fun!!! Edited background.....I think it looks better this way, what does everyone else think.
For: vampirize contest
When even a drop of water is precious...
Not an original idea, i know.. but still, i hope you like it :) Thanks to Arya-poenya-stock
Thanks to coloniera2 for the preference image
source and my photo
For: lego guy contest
well, real cloning does´nt always produces the best results. Thanks to andrewp001
For: cat face contest
Thanks to Night Fate from SXC Thanks to iamiam for the penguin source All sources from Stock Exchange
For: street pawn contest
My portfolio icon for girl only! All made by PTS. Because this is a icon, I didn't make the higher resolution image, this is the largest one that I made.
For: icon designs contest
ps7,rendered sphere's and source only
For: paper boat contest
Source only.
For: gumballs contest