art gallery

For: minion contest
For: daisy contest
A personal challenge to see if I could combine the last 6 PXL source images in 1 image.\n\nExtra source:
For: empty bottle contest
source only. bubbles created using standard PS brushes.
For: minion contest
For: ruined city contest
Made from the source. Please see SBS.
Thanks Dave Dugdale,Wiki,Aqua Mechanical,Alan Vernon.
For: creative fishtanks 2 contest
For: girl in white dress contest
The Weekly Magazine For Women
For: old green tractor contest
Abandoned in a desolate forest is a broken lamp. It didn't die. Instead, it became a home of sprouts to give hope and ease its desolation.
For: hour glass contest
For: free falling contest
Inspired from a fruit I ate last dinner ... :) Everything is from the source. Please check SBS.
For: pocket watch contest
Source only used. Check SBS please.
For: pocket watch contest
This time, instead of chopping apart things and reassembling, I thought I'd try to make a creation in 3D. Beyond the beginner stage, I consider my techniques at this point to be intermediate - I've got more to learn, but am satisfied with this. SBS shows stages of construction.
For: dieselpunk contest
Thank you Frank, and thanks to all you talented people out there, it's been a great ride.
For: the final goodbye contest