6 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar kcinsti
kcinsti says:

How the hell did this get ANY votes?

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

wow, maybe you should check Spaceranger`s portfolio and see the kind of quality expected. Maybe then you wont mistake his good advice for jealousy.
Oh and it`s "you`re just jealous"... if you feel the need to foolishly insult a respected artist try to be grammatically correct.

(5 years and 2523 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

I gues it`s a way of art that we just dont understand

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
no avatar
jpv06 says:

why don't you make the vulture a larger?

(5 years and 2526 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar IRONCOW

Its a tea cup Vulture Man!! Comes with a little diamond studded purse to carry it around in

(5 years and 2526 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar spaceranger

The contest is about the vulture not about your girl friend. All you did was cut out the source (extremely easy) and paste it on your friends image (which is obviously flopped). Minimal effort = minimal score.

(5 years and 2526 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Do you realize an actual vulture would be more than twice the size of her head?

(5 years and 2528 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

5.3. Use of Personal Images as Source: If you use your own personal images, the uncut source must be placed in the step by step with an explanation that it is your image.
Go to My stuff>My contest entries>Edit entry.

(5 years and 2528 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

Go to your My contest link and select the edit entry -- you can then upload a copy of the image used -- you may want to lower the quailty of the pictuce to speed the upload.if the orginal image is very large

(5 years and 2528 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

you need to post the image in the SBS

(5 years and 2528 days ago)

Ready or Not---BM