Abandoned in a desolate forest is a broken lamp. It didn't die. Instead, it became a home of sprouts to give hope and ease its desolation.
For: hour glass contest
Abandoned in a desolate forest is a broken lamp. It didn't die. Instead, it became a home of sprouts to give hope and ease its desolation.
For: hour glass contest
My Junkie Anti Hero pulled through moderation. (Totally understandable, I was going for a Cloak and Dagger superhero and failed, like Deadpool only not humorous. Sorry.) Original chop replaced with Harry Potter Style superhero. Complete with magic wand (Shaman Stick) The original chop was my hea...
For: superheroes contest
5 images used, all own photos.
For: mosaic contest
For: autumn leaf contest
The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five pound note. The Owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small guitar, 'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love, What a beautiful Pussy you are...
Not an original idea, i know.. but still, i hope you like it :) Thanks to Arya-poenya-stock
For: rose thorns contest
Coming soon to a theater near you.
For: vegetable closeup contest
took this by setting my camera on timer.. gosh.. I was all worn out to get the right one.. phew.. but the pic was worth my effort.. :)
basic combination of 2 sources, used burn around the laces & lace holes to give depth, used eliptical marquee with a gradient fill for the shoe openings.
For: unconventional shoes contest
Thanks to Mjranum and Dezzan-stock
For: weaving contest