peregrine Falcon

For: birds 2 contest
An extra large EGG.
For: birds 2 contest
A shot of inverted smoke
For: high key contest
Our hero Winsor glorifies high in the sky in his Splutfire vehicle. Together with his companion Balthazar the Bear they seem to be undefeated. But what is that out there, as a flash light in a clear sky? It's the evil Duke McBastard who, sneaky as he always is, suddenly appeared with a cowardly atta...
For: metal barn contest
For: hands 2 contest
in the waterdrops
For: round and round 2 contest
in the middle of my work on this entry suddenly i got question of this entry "is this on theme of the contest?" now, im hoping that this entry will not remove in the contest
For: car skin contest
All sources used are my own images (a lot of them, lol)
As I'm not sure I've well understand these contest rules, tell me if I'm right here. So I shot those benches with a 50mm opened at 1.8 to keep a very short zone of sharpness. Don't ask me for colours please, I shot directly in B/W.
For: toy story contest
For: water fountains 2 contest