140 comments given:
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maXed says:

very cool !

(5 years and 3663 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

this is ice cream mania contest. where's the ice cream?P

(5 years and 3663 days ago)

Abstract ice cream
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maXed says:


(5 years and 3664 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

this could be funny if you try fitting superman into the icecream, you could easily see the body part is going on top of the ice cream.. if you see. try making him look like he is supposed to be there.

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

Superman Ice Cream
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maXed says:

The glow around your planet/moon is kinda.. i think you should bring the opacity down

(5 years and 3669 days ago)

Fire Time !
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maXed says:

indeed erikuri. work on the perspectiv.. and the thingy they are standing on doesnt really follow the carpet

(5 years and 3669 days ago)

The Knight
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maXed says:

About the perfect circle .. it wasn't ment to make him make a perfect circle.. just a suggestion.. still needs some shadows i think and the perspective could be worked on ..

(5 years and 3669 days ago)

trap door
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maXed says:

i think i would've used some more time chopping

(5 years and 3669 days ago)

Cave man
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maXed says:

the perspectiv is a bit wrong, and the globe isnt very circular, hold shift while drawin your circle with the marquee tool ( if you want a perfect circle) .. Either cool ,, maybe some shadows would help too ..

(5 years and 3670 days ago)

trap door
no avatar
maXed says:

Oh sry: p I thoght the dog was outside the window ! My bad :> ;d

(5 years and 3671 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

awesome cracks!

(5 years and 3675 days ago)

Quintessential Balance
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maXed says:

No this doesn't look good. Why is that dog transparrent? .. Really enjoy watching the mountains THRU the dog -.- .. Fix that; either delete the background in the back of the dog.. or find another way to fix it..

(5 years and 3675 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

he doesnt look very scared :p

(5 years and 3677 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

i think the ground underneeth the sand wouldn't look like that. but that's aWESOME!.

(5 years and 3678 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

you know; if this were a real basket, the sides would have another perspective than just "down" like the front and back

(5 years and 3680 days ago)

doggy basket
no avatar
maXed says:

wow. when did africa afford THAT huge mac? .. lol look at their seets. theyr not so luxorious :P ,, N

(5 years and 3688 days ago)

Virtual Love
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maXed says:

nice one dude!, but the moods are kind of different.. and i think the back part of the heaven misses some clouds .. anyways very cool

(5 years and 3688 days ago)

The Conquest
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maXed says:

I think that background could be changed.. but it's up to you ..

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

chain men
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maXed says:

u made me want CANDY

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

clap! CLAP! a boom BOOM!
no avatar
maXed says:

her head is kinda flat.
EDIT: Thats kinda amazing how to unflattened that head :O very nice now !

(5 years and 3691 days ago)

party girl
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maXed says:

a-w-e-s-o-m-e :]

(5 years and 3692 days ago)

Time Travelers
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maXed says:

Her head is kinda to the left, maybe the hair would be a bit more to the left too?

(5 years and 3692 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

favorite yet.

(5 years and 3692 days ago)

Poker chips
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maXed says:

EDIT: Looks better, but first i dont know what the water on the middle of the table is..? and if it's supposed to be like deep, it doesnt seem like that. and the blurring is different between source pic and background.. either ways,, pretty good

(5 years and 3693 days ago)

Hot Tub
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maXed says:

i think i know who made this pic

(5 years and 3694 days ago)

Big Brother Watching
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maXed says:

you should. i like this better than ur copycat

(5 years and 3694 days ago)

The Epic Wrestle
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maXed says:

another background PLEASE :/

(5 years and 3695 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

i think you should add some more water around the arms and not just in front n

(5 years and 3695 days ago)

The Epic Wrestle
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maXed says:

this looks JUST like another entry, just improved, in some ways -.-

(5 years and 3696 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

author, u may change your picture while the contest is still running; just click MY STUFF on the top, then go to my contest, and click edit contest, and upload ur new improved img

(5 years and 3696 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

Yes author, that would improve it

(5 years and 3696 days ago)

The Epic Wrestle
no avatar
maXed says:

Maybe some water splash around the water arm?

(5 years and 3697 days ago)

The Epic Wrestle
no avatar
maXed says:

Why the silly floor and wall?

(5 years and 3697 days ago)

Number One!
no avatar
maXed says:

That seems more like a girl laying on a gigantic book

(5 years and 3697 days ago)

Simplistic Popup
no avatar
maXed says:

the thumb is on the wrong side of nade

(5 years and 3698 days ago)

hand grenade
no avatar
maXed says:

Is this another planet.. or if its not, why are earth in the background?

(5 years and 3699 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

hahahaha cmyk

(5 years and 3702 days ago)

There are Men in My Mouth
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maXed says:

tha fly is gigantic

(5 years and 3708 days ago)

catch the fly
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maXed says:

maybe bend the text a bit. a text going around the cup isnt straight all the way.

(5 years and 3709 days ago)

worlds best dad
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maXed says:

favourite so far good job

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

Think Green
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maXed says:

Go green, turn your light on? .. Isnt it like better to turn your light ofF?

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

flip the switch, go green
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maXed says:

i think the kid is too bright..

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

Think it over
no avatar
maXed says:

pretty good. but you could easily see what you did in the almost right corner. where the time was shown.. lawl.. if you don't focuse it, it doesnt really show. but when you first see it .. it's like .. awful

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

Sting Ray
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maXed says:

woow. maybe that evil cactus into a beautiful harmony.. good work.. maybe another background colour would make the pic betteR?

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

love the background. nice work

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

Cactus Flower
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maXed says:

her teeth is too white i think.. make it a bit more green and .. i agree with kayak

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

kiwi monster
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maXed says:

agreed wtih jascoe.. and too much lighting in front of her face i think..

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

New Glamor
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maXed says:

what you actually did when you removed some water drops, you deleted a few in the middle of the cans.. maybe a bit more spread water drops would make a better outcome?

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

no avatar
maXed says:

I dont like that kind of women..

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

Jeez Shave Your Cactus
no avatar
maXed says:

.. needs alot of work.

(5 years and 3711 days ago)
