458 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very nice!!

(5 years and 3302 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looks like a reproduction. Look at the hairline, especially to the left of her eye

(5 years and 3302 days ago)

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avatar CrystleClear

what a great posture your cat has lol..he looks so statuesque !

(5 years and 3302 days ago)

Smelly cat
avatar gustimusprime

it kinda looks like the one that is in the very specifically themed museum in Amsterdam, good shot

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

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avatar Mad
Mad says:

Great shot of a gorgeous creature. The colours and environment is perfectly suited to this particular cat. Congratulations!

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

Smelly cat
avatar adeincyprus

if this is a wax dummy, then I agree with jawshoewhah, it should be considered off theme.

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

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avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

This this is a wax model, and I'm guessing it is, IMO, it's off theme. Contest guidelines specify some who looks like her, not a reproduction. It specifically says look-a-likes.

If it's a real person, my apologies and it looks like you have a winner.

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

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avatar creativefreedom

Contest is over YOU WIN! GREAT SHOT!!

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

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avatar erathion
erathion says:

cool...and clever...gl

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

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avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Wax model?

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

Back to time
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looks much better. GL

(5 years and 3303 days ago)

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Super cool photo, yet again, well done = )

(5 years and 3304 days ago)

The kite flyer
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

REally cool composition = )

(5 years and 3304 days ago)

Buah Laici
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:


(5 years and 3304 days ago)

Buah Laici
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Great angle & light..

(5 years and 3304 days ago)

avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Excellent shot..

(5 years and 3304 days ago)

The kite flyer
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I want a kite like that

(5 years and 3304 days ago)

The kite flyer
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice shot - but you could probably crop off about 10-15% off the top

(5 years and 3304 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

such amazing clarity!

(5 years and 3305 days ago)

The kite flyer
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very interesting! Almost looks like a statue. Beautiful shot!

(5 years and 3305 days ago)

Smelly cat
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Now thats a cool kite! Great shot too!

(5 years and 3305 days ago)

The kite flyer
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Fabulous, yet again!

(5 years and 3305 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

This is an amazing shot. The DOF, the subject, and most importantly the tones are all spot on. You've got just enough contrast to make it look great without going too "cartoony" and overblown. Great work, author.

(5 years and 3305 days ago)

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Nice focus! GL!

(5 years and 3305 days ago)

I don
avatar momvera
momvera says:

Beautiful cat!
What kind of breed is it? I'd ever seen face like that before.

(5 years and 3305 days ago)

Smelly cat
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Good response to the old lady, but really we should show this to the world, not ignore all those people who need help. My mom is close to being homeless because her disability has been cut, medical is now only paying for a few things, what's next? The only thing that keeps her going is my family sending her money every month. So I don't see anything wrong with this shot, we should not hide are short comings, cause otherwise how are we ever going to work on them.

(5 years and 3306 days ago)

I don
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Wow, he's one handsome kitty = ), he doesn't look smelly.

(5 years and 3306 days ago)

Smelly cat
avatar creativefreedom

My fav great shot!

(5 years and 3306 days ago)

I don
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

It looks like it fits the theme well. Nice shot - I like the blurred movement of the others as they pass him by (literally and metaphorically)

(5 years and 3306 days ago)

I don
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Great shot

(5 years and 3307 days ago)

The kite flyer
avatar debdyutsarker


(5 years and 3307 days ago)

avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

Beautiful!!! I "tad" on the noisey side but VERY beautiful!!! I love your eye for positioning!

(5 years and 3308 days ago)

avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

WOW! Very lovely!

(5 years and 3308 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

What a great piece of a great scientist...nice tribute for Free Masons...gl author

(5 years and 3308 days ago)

Newton at work
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Fantastic photo author...very moody...best of luck

(5 years and 3308 days ago)

I don
no avatar

This is sweet, have no idea how to take pics like this yet, but would love to get there!

(5 years and 3309 days ago)

I don
no avatar

LOL, you guys are funny. This is a cool pic! I love it

(5 years and 3309 days ago)

Newton at work
no avatar
tampu says:

i really like this, good job

(5 years and 3309 days ago)

I don
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Great shot, and nothing wrong with photographing reality.

(5 years and 3310 days ago)

I don
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Don't forget extra plutonium!!!!

But hey, can I have the Grey's Sports Almanac??

(5 years and 3310 days ago)

Newton at work
avatar locksmagic

Like a Delorean? Thats sweet, can I come over and play?

(5 years and 3311 days ago)

Newton at work
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Great angle & focus..

(5 years and 3311 days ago)

Newton at work
avatar Karol
Karol says:

love it!

(5 years and 3312 days ago)

Newton at work
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

I think it is beautiful and very telling of those who pass on by.

(5 years and 3312 days ago)

I don
avatar locksmagic

Author where on earth did you find this guy?!?!

(5 years and 3312 days ago)

Newton at work
avatar Giulia
Giulia says:

cool hair style

(5 years and 3312 days ago)

Newton at work
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


(5 years and 3313 days ago)

Newton at work
avatar Momof4boyoboys

I think it is pretty cool....must be some type of bike race?

(5 years and 3315 days ago)

avatar creativefreedom


(5 years and 3319 days ago)

99th red balloon
avatar creativefreedom


(5 years and 3319 days ago)

Solitude: Camera and beer