
For: all wet contest
50mm f2.8
For: greatest dof contest
For: i am better contest
And when we go the engine goes putt putt putt Fast and slow the engine goes putt putt putt Worry is no worry when I am on my Vespa Life is no hurry when I am on my Vespa. Desaturated all color channels except for red!
For: song lyrics contest
Oh what a glorious thing to be, A healthy grown up busy busy bee, Whiling away The passing hours Pinching all the pollen From the cauliflow'rs. I'd like to be a busy little bee, Being just as busy as a bee can be, Flying round the garden
For: song lyrics contest
1/2 sec at f:8
For: time lapse 2 contest
Shutter speed: 30 secs Aperture: f12
For: time lapse 2 contest
For: eye closeup contest