
Three, four... Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they feeding you? Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat It's not your fault They won't take you to the vet You're obviously not their favorite pet Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, It's not your fault You may not be a bed of roses You're not friend to those with nose...
For: cats 2 contest
-when i took this photo, a lady told me "you shouldn't do that, its not nice" and i replied to her "i'm gonna show this to the world"... My ideology is nothing to do with that old was more about others ignorance.. So what do you think guys?
For: intelligence contest
For: large crowds contest
It was not a great day when i photographed this. The weather was soo dull...i managed to go for only 3 seconds exposures at f4.