Girl with pearl earring

Please look at Hi-Res image. All source except the texture.
For: night table contest
Please view SBS. Dragon made from an iguana. Head-wing is from a bat. Teeth are from a crocodile. Tongue is from a cow.
For: Dragons 2018 contest
For: dogs 4 contest
For: children of the week 2 contest
Monday's child is fair of face.
For: children of the week 2 contest
For: macro bugs 5 contest
Cute furry cuddly bear named Scruffy. Made totally from source image. Please see SBS.
For: girl in fur contest
For: Blue 2 contest
it was really fun setting this up. Hope you like it! :)
Split: Encased Personality No:24 - '' The Beast '' Inspired by M. Night Shyamalan's movie, Split Inspired by
Alone in his life. Lost everything. Passed out drunk on the floor. And to top it off, a deer comes busting through his wall. https://commons.wikimedia.orgwikiFile:Cigarette_in_white_ashtray.jpg Cigarette - Tomasz Sienicki Smoke Brushes - Jon Bee - Eebv...
For: grassy hill contest
For: nature close up 2 contest
For: troll contest
Happily eating his acorn!
For: winter contest
We got hit with an early storm this year. It dropped a lot of snow, but the lake hadn't frozen over yet.
For: winter contest
Snowshoeing along my favourite trail I was fortunate enough to come across this beautiful buck.
For: winter contest