Earth,wind & fire...

Immigration is a natural instinct in animals and humans equally! animals do immigrate in a specific time every year! I made this image to depict a rhino starts off their immigration journey using this imaginary bridge in order to reach their destination. The clock stands for the arrival of the immig...
For: rhinoceros contest
All done in Painter
For: shoe mania contest
This lone Rhino bounty hunter was shot down by his adversary, though he survived he's now stranded on an alien planetoid inhabited by unknown creatures that may threaten his survival.
For: rhinoceros contest
This little guy is supposed to be hard at work repairing the rocket nozzles but he's always distracted by his curiosity about living creatures much to the annoyance of his supervisor who just can't understand the wacky worker bot.
For: old tractor contest
For: keys 2 contest
On this dusty, hot planet it's important to filter the air and stay cool. The sand runners do this with elongated snouts that have nostrils lined with hair like filaments that filter the air, long legs that keep them well above the hot sand and perhaps their most unusual feature, air sacs. These ai...
thanks to rayand for the owl source
For: owls dd contest
What if in the not too distant future life as we know it comes to an end. By natural means, invaders from the unknown or by our own hand. The only ones left will be the machines we built to serve us, witness to a barren, desolate world with no one left to serve. I wanted to show a different take...
For: doom contest
Alley Oop :| Done with a pen and colored pencils.
For: pxl stock contest
no sources used
For: eye glasses contest
Thanks to LilGoldWmn, Marcus Ranum and mirengraphics
For: human animal contest
For: fruit still life 2 contest
no sources of any kind used
For: eye glasses contest
For: days gone by contest