The 0strich Lady

I can't say I actually used the link image as a source, but it was a inspiration for the piece
For: funny faces contest
I can't say I actually used the link image as a source, but it was a inspiration for the piece
For: funny faces contest
Decided to make some sorta wasp ant like creature. Something that has possibly been growing and evolving deep in a cave some where....well not so deep that there can't be sunlight :)
For: wasp closeup contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
They are harmless but their bite is known to hurt. Of course if anything bites me I'm thinkin it might hurt. LOL
I knew I wanted to do this contest but it took me a long time to deiced what. I was almost going to but armor on a regular horse, but that just seemed to typical, then I realized I was just thinking of the wrong type of horse :)
For: armour all contest
After carousing all night with his wizard buddies, he decided to skip the hangover by just popping himself a few hours into the future. Unfortunately, he ended up popping something a few centuries into the past.
For: hoegaarden contest
Eyes like a hawk. Oh..he is a hawk.
For: flight 2 contest
Plot: Avatar, a new story begins. A new species was born in Pandora as the hybrid of Navi and human. They're brave, strong and loyal as the Navi and smart, emotional like human. But this is also the last winter of Pandora because of a secret weapon was buried in Pandora from the last battle with men...
don't stuff ur animals.. wait for Christmas
For: oversized contest
For: dirty things contest
Gary Moore. Use to be so easy To give my heart away But I found that the haeartache was the price you have to pay I found that that love is no friend of mine I should have know'n time after time So long it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you Use to be so easy Fall in love...
For: song lyrics contest
Only source used. See SBS. Please view in High Res.
For: cheeseburger contest
traditional drawing using pencil, sharpie pen, colored pencils
For: dragons td contest
22x25 Acrylic on canvas
For: dragons td contest
*Update: masking of crowd in the foreground has been refined. *Update #2: a hint of bevel and emboss added to the foreground light bulbs. (See SBS for settings.)
For: pick me contest
The perspective isn't perfect here, but the stone masons had one hell of a time.
For: decorated initials td contest
The Mod, -- a integral part of any web community, They are just your average everyday person who puts forth that extra little effort to help keep the community running smoothly. Always there to lend a hand or give advise to those who may need it.They try to keep discourse to a minimum between membe...
For: pxl hero contest
my own version of a motorcycle...done in acrylic paint. anyone who knows motorcycles may look at this bike and say the motor looks strange, or the handlebars look odd for the body...I had to makeup some of it based on a few different it is a somewhat custom bike.
For: motorized td contest
They are the warriors from Mars. In the end of days... there is going to be an alien attack. But.. don't worry.., they can save us.. Lol Please check the sbs... :)
For: stop n watch contest