Will i or wont i ??

For: caught contest
For: caught contest
This is an artist that I really respect. His creativity and artistic style always impress me. I decided to make an imaginative portrait of him (quite caricature), director Tim Burton, as inspired by his characters in Alice in Wonderland like Hatter, Absalom, and the the Big head Queen of hearts. Al...
There is a pizza parlour in my neighborhood called 'Salerno's'. There is also a funeral home with the same name. I've always thought this seemed funny enough to try and combine the two. Tacky?... Absolutely! See high resolution. Sources noted.
For: neon lights contest
Thanks to memoossa, marshalgon, Don Coyote and LuckyStock
For: mixed manipulations 11 contest
Inspired by the movie MIB
For: bowling pin contest
For: chess piece contest
They say it is dangerous to walk Gargoyle Road when the moon is full; that if the Gargoyle lamps glow red then danger is near. They say the Gargoyles can sense the hunger for blood and it is that prescience that turns the lamps red. They don't say who is hungry. Beware! Thank you to Elandria at D...
every thing is made from the source. Please have a look at the sbs and high resolution before voting.
For: swing contest
Painted myself up for a photo shoot.
by request. I sure hope this blue comes off!
Sci-fi author Larry Niven created the Kzinti Aliens. They're also part of the Star Trek Universe. Fierce, aggressive fighters they use high science weapons but prefer older methods when matters of honor are at stake.
For: cat portrait contest
Being a bounty hunter is not easy. Sandy Clowes can tell you about it, because she is one of them. Although you live for the danger and excitement, it's also a lonely and exhausting life. In the end you can't trust anyone... But ok, after all these years she's kind of used to it, the people, the t...
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
My impression of the Grinch. Tripod and remote to get the shot. I paint everything, including me sometimes. And if I can use it to attract attention and more business....count on it!
For: impressions contest
I used my own images :)
For: shrunk contest
She looks small....
For: comic strips contest
She is known as Tazer; born from thunder and lighting she is as wild as the wind. But caution is advised, don’t let her pretty wings and dainty looks fool you. If you get too close she will give you quite a shock, knock you out cold and steal your gems, gold or what ever else suites her fancy...
Rowdies will be eaten. Thanks to Stuck in Customs, Rik C and Joachim S. Muller
For: aliens among contest
Thanks to PiratedPictures, Dracoart-Stock, NightFateStock and Chulii-Stock for their images :)
For: dream art contest
I heard this one a *lot* growing up. There was a little girl, Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good, She was very, very good. But when she was bad, she was horrid! This was done with paint and smudging.
Used the brushes from source 1 to create the leaves and petals. Everything else is original art besides the original source.
For: smoke contest