Come on daddy, It's funny

The first chopper Hope you like it
The first chopper Hope you like it
The image for the background was done by me, using apohysis a 3D flames render program. The rest is the image source and PS Thanks for comments.... blurred the shadows.....!
Well the djembe looked like a Rasta guy... Only source image! Except the eyes that I drew in photoshop. Used two outside sources as references to know where to place shadows and highlights. Also used the outside source t-shirt to create a displacement map. All done using warp, burn and dodge. P...
For: drum beats contest
This was a real project, source only. The meeting between the friendly giant and the ahum...the....
For: avocado contest
Bullying...It happens now, but you bet 65 million years ago it wasn't much different. Check for example Gerry the Bronto. Every time again he's Tyrone Rex's target. There's no day that Tyrone doesn't nag Gerry with stupid things and Gerry is too insecure to reply. Until today, because he just can'...
For: avocado contest
Please see Hi Res. All photoshop and contest sources (except for fishes) Thank You Mike Johnston on flickr for the fish photo
For: rusty contest
I created the hat with straw texture. haven't you ever dreamed of having a garden all year round? Well here's the solution ;-) Rest of the sources are on step 1 to 3 Thanks to: benavery fetishfaerie-stock for the beautiful girl image Mattox nkzs septober adzica
Dalia's Head dress "hat" is so fantastic it has anti gravity properties and floats above her head. All Photoshop I had so much fun updating this old entry. You can see what she used to look like in step 16. I fixed some things that I found weird/wrong and added quite a bit. HI Res vi...
I got inspired by a painting and felt it would fit this poppie field perfectly.
For: poppie field contest
ALL Photoshop (18+ hours of painting) I've been fascinated by the story of Persephone for a very long time. Persephone was The daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She was so lovely that Hades fell in love with her and stole her away from her world of nature. Eventually Persephone fell in love with H...
For: greek gods contest
Resubmission... hope you still like it :-)
For: bell chain contest
Recreation of the trojan horse :-) hope you like it... --------------------------- The beach picture is mine... i shot it on a beach near my home...
For: wood pile contest
Every time I see this poor man I think of the chinese bold dogs, here it goes!
For: sleeping man contest
Welcome back everyone!
For: bolts contest
It must be his worst nightmare: when Death can has to do his job, getting lost! Ow well, you can't blame him, after all he's not the youngest anymore. No outside sources or references, just the source image and some handdrawing. There's a pretty big High Resolution version available, you'd make ...
For: cursed gold contest
the shape of the tuba reminded me to a shrimp. From now on i will think of seafood when i see such insturment ;) Hope you´ll like it!
For: shiny tuba contest
a world full of delicious marbles! oh what a pleasure. also used tuba from shiningtuba contest fixed the handproblem and some details in face
For: gumballs contest
Source only Sorry Chelie I couldn't resist, it's been in my head for days LOL :-) Gun Added, Credit to Falln-stock from DA for the smoke brushes
For: gumballs contest