Brain Freeze

Flavor of the Month: Blue Brainfreeze Berry. Yum!
For: playing with words contest
Flavor of the Month: Blue Brainfreeze Berry. Yum!
For: playing with words contest
Most people associate the image of a dancer with a rose between their teeth with the Tango. In reality Argentine or other tango dancers do not do this. The idea might have started with Rudolf Valentino in the "Blood and Sand" movie. Or in "Some Like it Hot" with Jack Lemon as Da...
For: pink rose contest
The duckling has lost his family but has found a new one.
For: young duck contest
While in Egypt, the skeptical tourist does not believe what her eyes are seeing.
For: desert contest
Yes, some Quarterbacks know how to play baseball.
Colorized woman's face and fit into costume, after finishing I noticed she looks like Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones. Didn't like her hair so I got different hair from another source. Lot's of mixer brush work on both woman and chapel Photoshop Camera Raw Vintage 09 Profile and various adjustments...
I used many layers and filters, including the NIK Collection Classical Soft Focus. Most of the grunt work was done using some Smudge brush and much Mixer Brush set to various opacities and sizes. I thought you might be interested in the paint texture I came up with so I made a SBS to explain it.
The hippogriff is a legendary creature that has the front half of an eagle and the back half of a horse. This creature is the symbol of the Greek god Apollo. In modern times a hippogriff called Buckbeak is featured in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
For: animal mashup 2018 contest
For: wooden mill contest
Additional Sources Dog food bowls - Steak by BlackRiv- Girl and Dog- French Bulldog with basketball by Kossi007-
For: floating island 2 contest
Made with PhotoshopCC. The poem at the top was written by me.
For: single horse contest
After watching the latest version of "The Sound of Music" on TV, I thought it would be a good idea to use the first four lines of the song which contain five of Maria's favorite things and items to place in the mosaic. Then I found a picture of Maria from a play and placed her and her guit...
For: mosaic contest
From poster at
For: movie poster recreation contest
For: stone bird of prey contest
Described in Homer's Odyssey, The myth of Odysseus and the Cyclops tells of Odysseus and his shipmates returning from the Trojan war. Their ship is blown off course and they land on a small island. They find a cave with cheese and meat in abundance. They help themselves but unfortunately the owner o...
For: mythological creatures contest
For: giraffe contest