City above the Earth

For: flower pots contest
For: flower pots contest
For: bird house 3 contest
For: Ford Eifel Roadster 1936 contest
The statues reminded me of Romeo and Juliet from Shakespeare's love story that takes place in the Middle Ages. He makes some references to real places and families. There is a house in Verona Italy, that is the real home of Juliet's family (the Capuleti). The building dates from the 13th century and...
Original picture taken from inside a car on a November 2012 afternoon on State Street in Chicago. See SBS for original picture.
The Oscar was originally designed in 1928. The trophy was a knight holding a sword rendered in art-deco style The trophy was offically named "Oscar" in 1939. No one is sure as to how it was named. According to Wikipedia, three popular theories are: 1. Bette Davis's first husband Oscar Ne...
Mr. and Mrs. Uncle Sam
For: woman statue contest
I took a beautiful photo by patriciaegreen and I thought it would be interesting to colorize it with the textures in the contest source pic.
For: four bottles contest
Premier - "The best inflatable anchors money can buy"
For: impossible and useless objects contest
"Where are we now?"
For: ps tournament 6 round 1 contest
Seems like everything is plastic these days.
For: ps tournament 6 round 1 contest
Metropolis was the first ever feature length science fiction movie. It was originally released in 1927. It featured an evil robot created from one of the characters - Maria. As far as a I know there was never a sequel. Probably never will be.
For: prequel or sequel movie poster contest
For: ps tournament 6 round 1 contest
The beavers hatch a plan.
For: how to catch a human contest
This is the R. Buckminster Fuller Dymaxion Car from 1934. Powered by a 90 hp Ford V8 engine. It was reportedly able to do 120 mph. I thought it would be fun to see what it would look like with a paint job like the source pic. This is a three wheeled vehicle and way ahead of its time, in fact I beli...
For: VW bus contest
I thought it would be interesting to show this gentleman before and after in the same picture. The after is my interpretation of what he would look like 25 years earlier.
For: old to young contest
In the future our technology advances have resulted in cars that fly in the air. However, we are lacking metals and other resources since we have squandered them. We have solved the problem by retrofitting classic cars with the new technology. Not only does it work but it looks cool. Of course McDon...
For: flying car contest
English policebox enters the wormhole
For: wormhole contest