
For: logo remix contest
Dionysus God of wine, parties and festivals. I found a nice plate tutorial by nasirkhan on Pxleyes that was helpful. thanks nasirkhan
No outside source images used. Image was done using only filters, blends, and warps.
For: pound shilling and pence contest
The End of the World as we know it.
In researching the Yin-Yang symbol I found another interesting way of looking at the Yin-Yang Sybol at taoism.about.com "The black and white halves of the Yin-Yang symbol are similar to the two sides of a coin. They are different, and distinct, yet one could not exist without the other. The c...
For: ps tournament 5 round 2 contest
For: ps tournament 5 round 1 contest
Rest stop on a country ride. Motorcycle picture taken by me see SBS.
Fish for Sale: Swims Fast, Sees well, glows in the dark.
For: fish art contest
No External sources used.
For: wild T1A theodolite contest
Mother Nature likes Yosemite. See SBS for details.
For: looking contest
This was titanic fun. See SBS for details.
For: norway contest
source was used to texture bottle, glass, and background. See SBS for details. thank you artgirl1935 for inspiring me.
For: fruit basket contest
Tried for a sort of 3d effect with the bee standing out.
For: solo contest
1. Crop to smaller size/ratio. 2. Remove upper lighthouse window with clone stamp tool. 3. Place in Rapunzel Tower Picture then cut out window and Rapunzel. Put drop shadow on her side with fx. 4. Place Hansel and Gretel's house in picture. 5. Use Select Color to select the sky, then remove sky ...
For: lighthouse contest
I am new here and am having problems learning your procedures. Please have patience. I was striving for simplicity here. No outside sources used. I used muted colors for mouth and eyes. I will put steps here as site will not allow me to put in steps without pictures. 1. Cut out lady and put on...
For: portrait contest
No external sources used. I mainly used stamp tool. Seperate layers for eyes, ear, and mouth and blouse. Colored these as seperate layers then adjusted opacity. I was trying to bring the statue to life. Airbrush was helpfull on facial areas. The subjects hair was the most difficult to work with, I e...
For: portrait contest