491 comments given:
avatar magicsteve

Looks better, thanks!

(5 years and 3018 days ago)

Looking out & beyond
avatar magicsteve

Horizon could be straightened a bit on this one but otherwise great capture!

(5 years and 3020 days ago)

Looking out & beyond
avatar magicsteve

Doesn't look very "toy like" to me...maybe you could boost the contrast and saturation a bit to make it seem more "plastic" looking? All the best!

(5 years and 3045 days ago)

My froggie
avatar magicsteve

Even though it is devoid of color I still get the sense that this is a model due to your low angle and use of contrast. Great work!

(5 years and 3045 days ago)

Toyed bench
avatar magicsteve

Not very toy-esque in my opinion. Maybe bump up the contrast a bit? Right now the colors are pretty drab and earthtone-esque; I'd saturate the crap out of this to give it more of a "toy" feel. Finally, I'd also straighten the horizon up a bit. All the best!

(5 years and 3047 days ago)

Praying Mantis
avatar magicsteve

The raft/box/whatever is "inside" the lake...how clever. :P Good Luck!

(5 years and 3066 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Great HDR on this one; gives it a very artistic feel.

(5 years and 3069 days ago)

scholarly roots
avatar magicsteve

Love the subject matter but I'd try recropping the image to make the basket more centered. Normally I'd advocate against that sort of thing but with so little negative space on the right side of the basket it just looks...off. Also, I'd try darkening the exposure a bit and bringing up your lights in order to really make the basket "pop" off of the background. Hope this helps! All the best!

(5 years and 3083 days ago)

dads bread
avatar magicsteve

BWAHAHAHAHA! Nice work, author.

(5 years and 3098 days ago)

The devil made me do it
avatar magicsteve

Flower color is bordering on pink but there looking at the high res I can clearly see it is purple. Great framing and I love the little bee you captured. All the best!

(5 years and 3098 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Body by Jets, baby! :P Great chop, author!

(5 years and 3101 days ago)

Without The Box
avatar magicsteve

Love the idea, but the picture frame appears to be off centered and slightly tilted to one side. I'd re-crop the image and straighten it a bit. All the best!

(5 years and 3106 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

I love it! And surprisingly good penmanship. :P I'd pull the crop out at the right though; it seems a little too close to the copy. All the best!

(5 years and 3112 days ago)

Letter from the wife
avatar magicsteve

ROFLMAO! Well played, good sir.

(5 years and 3127 days ago)

"Nature" Photographer
avatar magicsteve

I disagree. I love the grayscale and color look. It gives the image a very dreamlike quality, as if the bride's presence is colorizing everything around her (think of the opening to the Gerard Butler version of "Phantom of the Opera". Only critique I see is that the top of the stained glass window doesn't quite match up with the source image. A little skewing/angling should fix it up easily, though. Great work, author!

(5 years and 3133 days ago)

The dream is over
avatar magicsteve

Loving the picture but I'd crop out that little black spot in the upper right corner. All the best!

(5 years and 3149 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Loving the subject but it seems a bit dark (which makes the curtain grey and gives the cake a yellow tint). I'd up the lights on it a tad and that should bring some more impressive looking whites into it. All the best!

(5 years and 3151 days ago)

Wedding Cake
avatar magicsteve

This is a lovely shot, author, but I'm not getting much of a vacation vibe. Care to explain so we can all understand a bit better? Thanks!

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

grandparents in love
avatar magicsteve

I second that. Amazing photograph, author! Not a thing wrong with it.

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Absolutely gorgeous photograph. I can't find a thing wrong with it. Great work.

(5 years and 3157 days ago)

St James Cathedral
avatar magicsteve

Great shot and I love the positioning of the dolls. I'd correct the slight green tint you have going on (caused by the light reflecting off of the wall) and either straighten the image or crop out that bedpost on the left hand side.
Also, that is the scariest looking Santa I've ever seen! :P All the best!

(5 years and 3160 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Great shot but the towers look a bit crooked. I'd straighten it a bit and repost. All the best!

(5 years and 3162 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Loving the angle but I'd rotate it just a tad to the right (looks slanted as it is). Great work!

(5 years and 3164 days ago)

Gate with history
avatar magicsteve

Does this gate actually lead inside the home, then? Or just inside the property? Nice shot either way.

(5 years and 3167 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

According to this site http://www.fernlea.com/vines/spiderplant.html the spider plant is classified as a vine. So I'd say this is on topic.

It is a nice photo. Aside from the blown highlights (which doesn't really bug me in this shot anyway) it gives a nice take on the vine subject while remaining subtle and quaint. Good work!

(5 years and 3178 days ago)

Hanging vines
avatar magicsteve

I agree with RayTedwell; that will really punch this up a notch. BAM!

(5 years and 3182 days ago)

L for Lake
avatar magicsteve

Loving the burst effects on the lights. I'd rename the photo though, as the cat(s) are not the main focus of the photograph. All the best!

(5 years and 3182 days ago)

Ghost Cats
avatar magicsteve

Ha! I love a good pun. I love a bad pun even more. :P
Great shot, author!

(5 years and 3182 days ago)

Playfull Dolphins
avatar magicsteve

I agree; while this is a nice looking photo it doesn't really say "struggle" to me (although I know how hard it can be to blow into one of those things). Maybe you should look through your captures and see if you have a picture of one of the kids trying really hard to blow into their instrument. All the best!

(5 years and 3183 days ago)

people blow the instrument
avatar magicsteve

Struggling with fear may not count (per the contest guidelines it has to be a PHYSICAL struggle) but the child also seems to be struggling to keep his balance. Good shot, author.

(5 years and 3183 days ago)

to pull or not to pull
avatar magicsteve

And remember, all of us (Friiskiwi, Karaflazz, myself, etc.) have experimented in very similar manners in the past. It was because of the kind, constructive criticism we received that we were able to improve and create even better photographs. All the best!

(5 years and 3184 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

In my opinion art is whatever you want it to be (just look at the dada movement if you don't believe me). I applaud you, author, for trying something new and experimenting in order to see what works! Looking at professional shots is something that will definitely help you perfect your craft (and something I've been taught since day 1 of college). That said, I do feel that in this particular instance it doesn't work. If you want to incorporate the headless shot in order to focus more on your wife's belly, a tighter crop would sell the point a whole lot better. Still, don't give up!

(5 years and 3184 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Loving the fishes!

(5 years and 3187 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Nice shot but did you add a vignette to this? If so I'd remove it.

(5 years and 3187 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Looks a bit better, yes. Good luck!

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Air weight lifter
avatar magicsteve

Great shot and I love the subject. I'd rotate it a bit though (looks slanted) and even out the space on either side of the entryway. All the best!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

A Ghost!
avatar magicsteve

Love the expression on the lifter's face. He is a good mime! Appreciate the technical aspects you gave us as well. As a critique I'd say you have a pretty nasty red/orange cast going on. That said, it could be argued that this gives your subject the feeling of struggling EXTRA hard. Still, I'd remove it and resubmit. Great work!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

Air weight lifter
avatar magicsteve

I'd say its technically on theme (the man in the picture is obviously a larger person) but I agree that it could have been implemented a bit better. Maybe reshoot and resubmit?

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

fish with polenta
avatar magicsteve

Much better!

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

lord shiva
avatar magicsteve

I'll concur with that, Ray.

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

Shaolin master
avatar magicsteve

Personally I think the headlights give the image more depth and intrigue. It reminds you that, while these stars are moving around overhead, life carries on down here.

(5 years and 3191 days ago)

Night Owls
avatar magicsteve

Great shot but the horizon seems slightly tilted to the left. I'd adjust it and resubmit. I still can't get over the massiveness of this statue!

(5 years and 3191 days ago)

lord shiva
avatar magicsteve

I disagree. The shadows being so dark add to the mystique; it gives the figure an ominous presence. Great work, author.

(5 years and 3191 days ago)

Shaolin master
avatar magicsteve

Yes, the lighting is much improved.

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

stop, think and reflect
avatar magicsteve

I agree with ade. This is a nice shot but it doesn't really give a "lonely" feel to it. If you want to depict the bench as being lonely, try adding a blue cast to the entire photo (or reshoot with a different subject). Also, try straightening the image so that the bench runs parallel to the horizon. All the best!

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

avatar magicsteve

Great Eagles reference!

(5 years and 3198 days ago)

Check Out Anytime You Like
avatar magicsteve

What friiskiwi said, but also he doesn't look very lonely to me. By nature, meditation brings about thoughts of peacefulness and tranquility. I would reshoot something that gives a sad feeling rather than a content one.
On the plus side, the photo is awesome and I love the colors in it!

(5 years and 3199 days ago)

Lost In the Human Mind
avatar magicsteve

Excellent shot, but its a little too dark. Lighten it up a bit and I'd say you have an awesome photo on your hands! All the best!
(Oh, and upload a high res if possible. That will increase your chances of getting a better score.)

(5 years and 3199 days ago)

stop, think and reflect
avatar magicsteve

Much improved. GL!

(5 years and 3202 days ago)

dentist please?
avatar magicsteve

Definitely looks better. GL!

(5 years and 3202 days ago)
