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No, the noise I see is most evident in the doctor's forehead. I think its just due to the low light conditions of the shot. And I don't think you'd want me as a patient :P
(5 years and 3559 days ago)Love the idea, but the picture looks a little noisy and out of focus. Maybe try it again with a flash or a lower ISO? In any event, GL!
(5 years and 3560 days ago)Ok, I've gotta ask. How in the world did you change the font for the title?!? That alone is amazing to me! Oh yeah, and the picture is really nice as well.
(5 years and 3560 days ago)Nice! Love the flash reflection in your eyes. Looks insane in the high rez! (but in a good way)
(5 years and 3560 days ago)German beer. Is there anything tastier?
Nice shot!
(5 years and 3560 days ago)Great shot, but depth of field could have been a bit larger IMO. Still, awesome subject!
(5 years and 3560 days ago)Reminds me of a lava lamp. Great job!
(5 years and 3560 days ago)I love the color in this. Could have been framed a little tighter towards the left, however (just nitpicking). Awesome job!
(5 years and 3560 days ago)Clever idea! GL
(5 years and 3560 days ago)Author, it looks like the same model to me...are you sure you changed it?
(5 years and 3561 days ago)Yeah...I'm not so good with the animals.
(5 years and 3561 days ago)Love the texture on this. GL!
(5 years and 3561 days ago)Clever idea. GL!
(5 years and 3561 days ago)I think the muted colors are intentional (gives the piece a nostalgic feel). Nice job author! Love the framing on this one.
(5 years and 3562 days ago)I agree with lock. You have some great talent and I'd hate to see your entries removed due to a technicality. GL!
(5 years and 3562 days ago)Great idea, but the focus of the picture doesn't seem to be the hat. I find myself being more drawn to the buffalo's head (and what does THAT say about my love life?). In any event, best of luck!
(5 years and 3562 days ago)Great shot, but what is up with the smudge next to the model's hip? Looks like something was Photoshopped out. Is that true, or am I grasping at straws?
(5 years and 3564 days ago)Definitely a nice shot.
(5 years and 3564 days ago)That humor mask is a feminine hygiene product. Look at him, laughing as his friend slowly suffers a horrific death. Tragic, indeed.
(5 years and 3564 days ago)But nice shot!
A little noisy around the edges but good shot overall. What kind of guitar do you have there? GL!
(5 years and 3565 days ago)Love the composition and mood but your midtones seem a little too dark. I'm just nitpicking though. GL!
(5 years and 3565 days ago)I noticed the smudge as well and yes I think it should be corrected. That said I can't complain about the model (you are a very beautiful woman and don't let anyone tell you different). GL!
(5 years and 3566 days ago)And FYI I really enjoy your work (both Jawshoewhah and the author).
(5 years and 3566 days ago)I felt the same way last week, jawshoewhah, and my buddy called me names and berated me until I stopped it. Even if you know you will lose, always try.
(5 years and 3566 days ago)I would LOVE to see a high res of this! GL
(5 years and 3566 days ago)If we can get a hi res with this I'll be a happy camper. Wonderful shot, author!
(5 years and 3567 days ago)Interesting subjects. Good luck!
(5 years and 3567 days ago)Great shot, but the contrast is kinda lost due to the lighting. Maybe lower the exposure and/or up the contrast in lightroom a bit? GL!
(5 years and 3567 days ago)Thats a common problem when you upload to pxleyes. People have suggested saving your photo in the sRGB color space as opposed to Adobe RGB (a good idea regardless), but you'll still get a bit of a shift. The best thing to do is to adjust the contrast and levels a bit more than you normally would before posting to the site. Nice capture, btw. GL!
(5 years and 3567 days ago)Much improved.
(5 years and 3569 days ago)I love the subject matter but the sepia tone may be a bit too distracting (its hard to make out all of the alligators/crocodiles/big, scary things). I'd see how a highly contrasted B/W would look or just keep the thing in full color. In any event, best of luck!
(5 years and 3569 days ago)Love the title (Princess Bride!), but the branches on the left hand side of the picture get cut off. Maybe widen the crop a bit to include the entire branch? Even as it is, though, great job!
(5 years and 3570 days ago)Like the shot, but I feel there is a little too much negative space at the top of the picture. Maybe a tighter crop? I definitely like the mood that the red hue gives to this, though. GL!
(5 years and 3570 days ago)B-E-A-UTIFUL shot!
(5 years and 3570 days ago)I LOVE the way this shot is taken (I have a similar one featuring a dog in the mirror!) but I wish the photographer wasn't visible. Still, I feel this should be included on the basis that there are no intersections and traffic lights. Nice job, author!
(5 years and 3570 days ago)Stunning detail on the wheat. GL!
(5 years and 3573 days ago)I love the concept, and you did a very good job filming the card's reflection in the coffee. The only problem I see is that the picture looks very grainy in the high res. What ISO were you using? Nice job in any event!
(5 years and 3573 days ago)Has a very "Johnny 5" feel to it. Nice grab!
(5 years and 3573 days ago)I LOVE this shot, I just wish the focus was more on his (it?) face and not on the chest. Still, great concept and wonderful execution. GL!
(5 years and 3573 days ago)It might be! I personally love the yellow-trenchcoat girl on the right who is trying to sneak away unnoticed. Something tells me she may have been the cause of the fire.
Nicely done, author! This definitely tells an interesting story.
(5 years and 3573 days ago)A tighter crop WOULD be nice, but I think the bland sky works for this one. It enhances the isolated, lonely feeling the windmill and building convey. Good job, author!
(5 years and 3573 days ago)I tried uploading one myself in the sRGB color space (I don't print my photos too often so I just use this as the default) and I still had a slight shift in vibrancy (not as bad, though). Thanks for the tip!
(5 years and 3573 days ago)Oh, and great capture, author. I'm loving this contest so far!
Fantastic capture. GL!
(5 years and 3573 days ago)I really like this shot! The colors are very nice. I would have cropped it a little tighter at the top, however. Still, great capture! GL!
(5 years and 3573 days ago)Very nicely done. Love the angle. GL!
(5 years and 3580 days ago)PS, k5683, that is an adorable puppy.
(5 years and 3580 days ago)k5683, I truly don't mean this to be offensive to you, but maybe we should just drop things now.
I appreciate the fact that you are trying to make amends of the situation, but your last comment seems like it will only add flames to a very heated (and somewhat silly) argument. Tensions are high, and I respectfully suggest that everyone involved take a big, deep breath and relax. We are a community here, and we have to remember that people may not always see eye to eye. In the end, we are not simply a group of random strangers from across the globe who have never met each other...we are Photographers.
(5 years and 3580 days ago)And if its any consolation, I could definitely see why someone would think the photograph was chopped. Upon viewing the high res, however, it becomes apparent to me that the photo is genuine. So great job, author!
Three movies of people walking to a mountain. Yet I love it so. :P
(5 years and 3581 days ago)HOLY CRAP! Amazing!
(5 years and 3581 days ago)That's what I thought! Phil Collins all the way.
(5 years and 3581 days ago)