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I think he is going for Christopher Lee.
(5 years and 3579 days ago)Welcome. Where was this taken?
(5 years and 3582 days ago)Those fuzzy bits look like fog to me. Where was this taken? (Nice job!)
(5 years and 3587 days ago)I am definitely interested in that tutorial, Author (I was even going to request one until you made your last post)!
(5 years and 3591 days ago)First entry in and its a great one! Nice job.
(5 years and 3593 days ago)Love the angle (reminds me of a centipede). Nice job! GL
(5 years and 3598 days ago)Love the shot but the glare from the water seems to be a bit overpowering.
(5 years and 3599 days ago)So true!
(5 years and 3637 days ago)Freaking awesome.
(5 years and 3647 days ago)Awwwww.
(5 years and 3652 days ago)Grats!
(5 years and 3655 days ago)I don't see why everyone is confused about the selections being visible. I understand the joke quite well and I digg it. Using the toolbar icons as "toppings" is a nice touch, and the backdrop is very appropriate. I'd do something about the "Adobe Photoshop" text in the cone, though (it's too hard to read and I almost missed it). Good luck!
(5 years and 3666 days ago)Love this picture. Very elegant.
(5 years and 3667 days ago)grats! Awesome work.
(5 years and 3863 days ago)Grats! This piece is simply awesome.
(5 years and 3863 days ago)Don't cross the streams...nice job!
(5 years and 3866 days ago)Truly amazing.
(5 years and 3882 days ago)Nice work, especially with the typography.
(5 years and 3882 days ago)I like the bead treatment you gave to this classic piece of art.
(5 years and 3883 days ago)Love the monotone color scheme you used in this one. The type on the word "Nutshell" is really good, too.
(5 years and 3883 days ago)This picture tells a thousand stories. Well done! I'd add a few more falling nails/bolts, though.
(5 years and 3883 days ago)Love the colors here (they fit the mood of the song very well). The word "army" on the girl's shirt got reversed when you flipped her. This can be easily corrected by coping the original image's shirt and playing with the perspective. Also, I'd find another picture to use instead of the girl. She's fine to throw in there once, but seeing her in the same pose three times is a bit redundant. Anyway, nice work! Don't give up!
(5 years and 3883 days ago)Your lighting looks a bit off on the girl, but other than that this is great work. Love the emotion you get from looking at it. Nice job!
(5 years and 3883 days ago)The work here is pretty basic, but I can tell you love dogs.
I'd ditch the floating picture outside of the sphere as it doesn't seem to serve any real purpose.
(5 years and 3883 days ago)Extra points for humor on this one. Great job blending the two faces! The only thing I don't care for is the tattoo (it seems a bit too fake). I'd reduce the opacity or even just shade it with a lighter hue in order to give it a more realistic feel. Anyway, thanks for the larf! Great job!
(5 years and 3883 days ago)This image seems very appropriate for the song. I'd love to see an SBS on this, but even as is I love it! The only criticism I have is the shadow of her hair touching the coat's collar. I would clone that out if I were you. In any event, nice work!
(5 years and 3883 days ago)Image works well, but I'd love to see it in greyscale with only her lipstick colorized. Yes, that effect has been done to death, but I think it would really work well for this entry. Still, thats my personal taste and won't affect your score. Nice job!
(5 years and 3883 days ago)As a work of art I really like this! It's very Neverending Story-ish, and I love how intrigued the little boy seems to be with his book. That said, I'm not quite sure how this fits in with "The Trial". I read the lyrics and I'm just not seeing the connection (but thats me, I won't vote you down because of that). Also, I would rework the girl so that she was a bit more visible. I honestly didn't notice her until I read the SBS. In any event, love this!
(5 years and 3883 days ago)Very nice use of your imagination! I'd rethink the background a bit, though. Difference clouds are a great way to create lots of effects, but by themselves they can be a bit overused. The image isn't BAD by any means! I just know that, judging by your treatment of the burger itself, you are capable of so much more! Anyway, awesome entry.
(5 years and 3886 days ago)Nice idea! The thought of burger clothing is very clever.
That being said, there is so much more you could do with this. Give her burger panties, a sesame seed bra, etc. Go crazy with this one! Best of luck.
(5 years and 3886 days ago)Imaginative! I never would have thought to parody apple with a cheeseburger. I like how you've added the glossy finish to the burger (just like Apple's logo). The biggest thing I would change, however, would be the type. The font you chose is perfectly fine, but I think you can come even closer to what was used in the original ads. Still, nice work!
(5 years and 3886 days ago)VERY nice use of source image. The fish look very rich and colorful, too.
(5 years and 3886 days ago)This is cute.
I like how you did the eyes (they look like olives!).
(5 years and 3886 days ago)Really nice use of the burn tool on this one. Everything seems to flow very nicely. Only things i'd change would be the face and the background. The face looks a bit fuzzy compared to the rest of the bear (maybe use a diff. part of the bun?) and the background just doesn't flow well (stick to a solid color). Anyway, great job!
(5 years and 3886 days ago)I like the idea of added scales to the dragon statue. You were very creative in your implementation of the faucet when you set out to do this. I would, however, recolor and shade your scales a bit more so that they blend better with the statue (right now they appear to be floating above the picture as opposed to being a part of it). Also, I would give consideration to losing the fire. It seems a bit too cartoony, and to be honest it doesn't heighten the image in my opinion. Still, nice work! Keep it up and you'll have something amazing in no time!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)I love how the tortoise has that sly grin on his face, as if to say "Yeah, I'm a big deal." Nice job of editing the ketchup splatters to give this piece more depth. The half circle gradient works well for a backdrop as it hints at a spotlight focusing on your central image. Great job!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)to give it another look. But whatever you do, don't give up! Every comp you do will get better and better and you'll eventually realize that what you are making is really incredible. All the best!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)...bad. I would rewrite it so it read more like this: "Call 911 and say "I Killed Adam" to get your free burger today!" There really is no need for three exclamation marks
at the end of any sentence. Also, put "911" in red instead of green as red is a color of intensity and emergency. Other than that, the words "Just Free!!!" confuse me a bit. If you are trying to create a special giveaway for this product I would phrase it differently so that it was easier to understand (just the word "Free" would even suffice). All in all I think you have a lot of potential with this entry if you choose
(5 years and 3888 days ago)While I applaud your originality and apparently great knowledge of puns I must say that there are quite a few issues with this piece that could be improved upon. For one, the hammer's perspective is a bit off (the way you have it makes everything above the onions appear to be in the background and not on the burger). The white confetti banners at the top of the screen are a bit odd as well. I would either lose them or add more with different colors/shapes. Also, your typography at the bottom of the screen needs some improvement. The font choice is wrong for an "ad" and the grammar is quite...
(5 years and 3888 days ago)Creative! I love the hamburger eyes this extraterrestrial is showing off. I'd lose the drop shadow you put on them, however, as it makes them appear to be hovering overtop of the buns as opposed to resting right on them. Still, great work!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)I like how you took the time to crop out all of the condiments and leave them in messy, strewn about piles on the ground. It really helps to sell the idea that these two cats are tearing into this thing. Still, the burger looks a bit too stretched and I'm not sure whats happening with the blurry green smudge on the right hand side (is it mold?). I would fix both of these issues by replacing the current burger with a smaller, less distorted one. Nice job, though, and keep it up!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)I really like this! The owl reminds me of Clash of the Titans for some reason (I think its the eyes). My only suggestion would be to have the branch Mr. Owl is standing on stretch all the way off the screen. Dunno why, but seeing it hovering there in midair kinda bugs me. In any event, excellent work author!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)The tree is nicely detailed and the background is very appropriate, but what really sells this for me is the sesame seed bowl! It made me laugh.
Anyway, I would change the hue of those rocks surrounding the bansai to something a little less colorful. As of right now they look like strawberries, and that kinda detracts what else you have going on here. Still, this is a wonderful piece of art!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)Love the idea, but the burgers should be separated a bit more. As it is, it looks like you are trying to form one letter with the two of them (instead of "oo", it looks like "v"
. Still, nice idea and I love the pepper "f"s. All the best!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)Funny! I love the expressions in the cows' eyes. Didn't see the picture pre-alterations but I do like the changes you made (and the stump definitely works). Only thing I can really critique is the burger looks VERY large compared to the cows. Might want to take it down a tad. Also, the sky seems a bit dark and gloomy. If you brighten it up it would juxtapose the shocking material (for a cow, anyway) and further the humor even more. Nice job!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)I like the use of the meat for the hair. Reminds me of a burger monk. Not sure if the background fits the image, though. I'd rework it a bit, maybe including sesame seeds or some other recognizable element from the burger. Funny, and nice job!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)Its nice to see a positive message getting through in this entry. Altered meat isn't something you wanna be messing with! That said, I think you can do so much more with this topic/piece. Having the three burgers floating in midair just doesn't strike me as all that intriguing (unless they're being injected with helium). The needle is a nice touch, but for this sort of work you need a powerful image to go with your call to action. What you have isn't BAD, I just think it could be better (maybe show the effects of eating "manipulated food"
. Nice job, and keep it up!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)I would ditch the burgers on the left and right hand sides and just go with the face. Its a great image, and I think focusing centrally on that would get you better scores/look more impressive. Nice job!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)The frog looks a bit "fuzzy" (especially around the eyes). Also, he doesn't seem to actually be a part of the sandwich but rather floating in front of it. I would take the frog's head and blend it in to the piece of hamburger meat, changing the color of either appropriately. Maybe you could even stick a frog leg or two in there. Great start, and once you get some more polish on this it will be a great (and funny) piece!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)Very creative approach! I like the idea of a steak sandwich (makes me hungry!), but this looks more like a piece of roast beef. Also, the image looks a bit odd where the meat touches the hands. I'd increase your drop shadow's spread a bit so it looks "fuzzier" around the edges and blends in better. Also, the trails of black sauce are a nice idea, but I don't feel they are needed. If you deleted these I feel it would make for a much stronger entry. Even as it is, though, I really enjoyed viewing this! The sesame seeds on the fingers is a great touch, too. Nice work!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)