
Decided to use the bread from one of the other contests to create devangel. The hair is made out of various feather brushes. The eyeball is from a photo I took myself (included). Enjoy!
For: sosia mania contest
Decided to use the bread from one of the other contests to create devangel. The hair is made out of various feather brushes. The eyeball is from a photo I took myself (included). Enjoy!
For: sosia mania contest
Got some use out of the pen tool with this one. Everyone so far has been depicting Angry Mascot as an evil entity. I wanted to show him as just another bratty kid who pouts when he doesn't get his way. Enjoy!
For: angry mascot contest
Source image:
For: caricatures contest
For: hurt lyrics contest
For: grass contest
For: freeways contest
The instructions for the contest never say the coffee has to be in liquid form. :)
I changed the photo because this one is better composed and has less clipping.
For: at the bar contest
Changed the picture based on my previous entry being an embarrassment. This one may not be the greatest but it's infinitely better than what I had before. Enjoy!
For: three bears contest
My 77 year old stepmother just graduated with her degree in accounting. It just goes to show you that you're never too old to accomplish your dreams.
For: hats contest
Oh yeah...he's bad.
For: bikes contest
For: abandoned buildings contest
After reviewing the guidelines i realized my initial entry was off topic (it included other objects in the background). I have reshot and resubmitted.
For: singles contest
A welder fusing two pieces of metal together.
Pay no attention to the man behind the mask...
For: locks contest
For: panoramic interiors contest