270 favorites given:



Credits to: expression-stock from DA for meerkats image

For: hairless contest

» Comments: 8
» Score: 61.53%
» Rank: 1 out of 7

Eowyn's Redemption

Eowyns Redemption

I did this about 5 to 6 years ago when I was just a wannabe on some other site, and didn't know what a pxleyes was. this can be Tin Eyed for proof.

For: arrow and bow contest

» Comments: 17
» Score: 65.6%
» Rank: 1 out of 3

A little Hugh Hefner

A little Hugh Hefner

I used my own images :)

For: shrunk contest

» Comments: 22
» Score: 61.46%
» Rank: 1 out of 11

Mute Swan

Mute Swan

For: birds contest

» Comments: 6
» Score: 56%
» Rank: 59 out of 117

West end boys...

West end boys...

A story you gonna love!!! Fighting...kicking...drinking... Ahahahaaa..i really enjoy doing that!!! :)

For: comic strips contest

» Comments: 11
» Score: 62.66%
» Rank: 1 out of 13

My Pet's Pet Peave

My Pets Pet Peave

For: comic strips contest

» Comments: 13
» Score: 57.13%
» Rank: 5 out of 13

Throwing Planes

Throwing Planes

Testing the Paper planes

For: paper planes contest

» Comments: 18
» Score: 65.99%
» Rank: 1 out of 12

At the beach

At the beach

For: fire hydrants contest

» Comments: 11
» Score: 61.26%
» Rank: 2 out of 19



For: two sisters contest

» Comments: 9
» Score: 62.46%
» Rank: 2 out of 28



Two sisters my guide found in the rainforests of Roatan.

For: two sisters contest

» Comments: 9
» Score: 59.76%
» Rank: 3 out of 28

Sisters That love Eachother

Sisters That love Eachother

For: two sisters contest

» Comments: 3
» Score: 56.51%
» Rank: 9 out of 28

The Ring

The Ring

It's a ring from my daughter, worth a few cents...

For: jewelry contest

» Comments: 13
» Score: 63.46%
» Rank: 1 out of 76



For: jewelry contest

» Comments: 8
» Score: 61.29%
» Rank: 3 out of 76



For: jewelry contest

» Comments: 7
» Score: 58.51%
» Rank: 13 out of 76



For: fireworks contest

» Comments: 7
» Score: 60.07%
» Rank: 4 out of 34



For: fireworks contest

» Comments: 12
» Score: 62.52%
» Rank: 1 out of 34

"united" tri-angle

"united" tri-angle

For: angles contest

» Comments: 9
» Score: 61.17%
» Rank: 4 out of 32

Angle's in nature

Angles in nature

For: angles contest

» Comments: 15
» Score: 62.27%
» Rank: 2 out of 32

"If i don't have red...

"If i dont have red...

I use blue"-Pablo Picasso "Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. " — Pablo Picasso "There are only two types of women: goddesses and doormats." — Pablo Picasso no reference. no red paint. :P Acrylic on Canvas

For: picasso td contest

» Comments: 25
» Score: 64.42%
» Rank: 2 out of 13

rabbi blowing shofar

rabbi blowing shofar

drawn with woodless pencils of all hardness. drawn 2 years ago.

For: portraits td contest

» Comments: 38
» Score: 71.97%
» Rank: 1 out of 16

Blue Mood

Blue Mood

No reference used... I find myself more drawn to picasso's blue period, and that is what i was aiming to achieve with this piece. Done in oil pastels on velum bristol.

For: picasso td contest

» Comments: 29
» Score: 64.71%
» Rank: 1 out of 13

The Path to Discovery

The Path to Discovery

For: stone path contest

» Comments: 4
» Score: 55.61%
» Rank: 5 out of 10

The End

The End

"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you."

For: stone path contest

» Comments: 22
» Score: 61.16%
» Rank: 1 out of 10

Explosive Kiss

Explosive Kiss

Something I did about 6 months ago to keep me busy. Thanks to mffugabriel-stock, AbsurdWordPreferred, mjranum-stock and youvegotmaille.

For: mixed manipulations 8 contest

» Comments: 23
» Score: 61.03%
» Rank: 2 out of 12