Wasp For Lunch

No outside sources used. Birds are made from parts of wasp which they are now eating for lunch!
For: wasp closeup contest
No outside sources used. Birds are made from parts of wasp which they are now eating for lunch!
For: wasp closeup contest
source combined with brushes from FALLN>D'art. THANKS FALLN!
For: camel mask contest
First idea that came to my twisted mind was an orange with magic circle around it. Then, I began to draw another things beside that initial ideas, so the final images grew outside my early imagination... Fantasy Theme always brings imaginative things comes into play. So there will be no questioni...
only source and PS
For: saving grace contest
Thanks to thebadastonomer for the nebula sources used, and to OldGreySeawol at morguefile.com for the reed source. Image has been edited (background) since the original source was not allowed since photographer had manipulated it. Apologies to those who have already voted, but I think I like it be...
For: saving grace contest
thanks and credit to http://mystical-stock.deviantart.com
For: old knife contest
I began this a quite awhile ago...was just now able to complete it. I used only graphite pencil and a smudge tool for blending. I did this from my imagination and just worked on it a little at a time. Sorry...I do not have photos of the early stage of the drawing.
For: pencil td contest
Special thanks to TERRI HEISELE for clouds 1: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/madmaven And to discordiA-stock for the beach: http://discordia-stock.deviantart.com/
For: arche noah contest
Thanks to Megan1970, Meta-Stock and NightFateStock
THEY SAY IT WAS MURDER! Egg photo: Luara Piccinini
Source image used in the making of this entry. The rest is PS and imagination. UPDATE: Worked on the shell a little more. I added some color and smudge, together with some levels and layer adjustments. Check SBS befor you vote please.
For: cracked arch contest
Thanks to jagged-eye, dxlogic and nightfate-stock
For: surreal face contest
Special thanks to: Lisajen-stock: http://lisajen-stock.deviantart.com/ (for model) Monica Marinho: http://stock-gallery.deviantart.com/ (for forest) And her's stock rules: http://stock-gallery.deviantart.com/journal/4915608/
For: fern contest
Special thanks to: Michaela (for sky): http://www.sxc.hu/profile/michaelaw Cinnamoncandy (for sand/beach): http://cinnamoncandy-stock.deviantart.com/ Spiritsighs-stock OLD HOUSE IS MY OWN STOCK
For: stone wheel contest
graphite woodless pencils
For: sceneries td contest
On country roads it can happen ....after children pee!
For: rear view dd contest
For: unproportioned humans contest
Used additional source from PxlEyes: http://www.pxleyes.com/images/users/t/tallyna/56/fullsize/4a3855f099745.jpg photoshop and illustrator for the background velvets
For: eye bot contest
i followed this tutorial http://www.photoshoplady.com/tutorial/create-a-imaginative-golden-apple-tree-in-photoshop/2742
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
Thanks to stock provider Auroradreams for all figures in the image. The Seascape is by mqtrf from last weeks Wild Sea contest. Window photo is my own - see SBS
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
...the closer I get to you...
For: traffic sign contest