Going home

A strange bug returns home on a foggy night. No external sources used.
For: footbridge contest
A strange bug returns home on a foggy night. No external sources used.
For: footbridge contest
This was my entry from the past photoshoptalent contest. No other sources used.
For: irregular pattern contest
Elves have their own wishing wells too. No other source used.
For: pavilion contest
And she touches the spindle and falls to sleep for a 100 years. All the poor guys that tried to get to her died among the thorns of the bushes. I created the whole image in photoshop without using any external sources.
For: fairy tales contest
She was hiding in the dark, in the shadows, daring not to come out in the light. And one morning she saw him in the first ray of the sun and although he could not touch him and he could not kiss her, they instantly fell in love.
You think that lady beetles are born from eggs? No, they grow in small balls that magically open when the beetles are mature enough to fly away. No other sources used.
For: lady bug contest
He's been held prisoner for so long he doesn't remember the reason any more, or his name. He just holds on to this post-card, hoping to be free soon. No other sources used.
For: empty room contest
Happy little bugs court each other somewhere in the forest. No other sources used.
For: horse tail contest
Only source image used.
For: autumn alley contest
On a rainy night creatures come out because it is the only time they cannot be seen. Only source image used.
For: coconuts contest
This is entirely drawn in photoshop.
For: surrealism contest
Only source used.
For: valencia contest
Little house probably owned by a caterpillar.
For: mushroom contest
The evil castle dominates. For the background I used one of my own photos.
For: white castle contest
Only source image used.
For: peacock contest
The creature remains at its position, constantly guarding the gates so no enemy shall pass.
Small pumpkin lives in a small house in a tiny forest field.
For: undergrowth contest
Don't walk near the shadows.
He is too old, all he can do now is withdraw, pondering on his past times.
Mother owl brings glowing worms for her babies. Background image is one of my own.
For: hair closeup contest