Giraffe on the Camels

I was came with The Camels
I was came with The Camels
C4D, CS3 and 1 source.... SBS is coming!!!!
For: bulb contest
For: upside down contest
Divorces are hard but a troubled marriage is even harder! But it was for the best. I have one of her eyes sewn shut because she never seemed to see the big picture. I have her mouth zipped shut because she never seemed to have any thing nice to say. And i was going to have her heart ripped out bu...
For: severed ties contest
Thank you "Dustfinger" for letting me use your image! :))
Thanks to PS2 - Rubik's Cube
For: nightmares contest
I guess it would be very tragic if sharks had to lose their teeth :)
For: natural impotence contest
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses, And all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty together again .... :)
Thanks to Picture Taker 2 and werksdesig, who has been notified
For: natural impotence contest
Idea is not original but still hope you will enjoy it.
For: wheel bug contest
I wanted to name this entry Ethereal Vision, but i didn;t want to make it more cliche than it already is.
For: stone ball contest
what I saw looking at the source were lots of lines and this is how the line horse was born. after countless layers and lots of time I think the result is simple but also complicated like the horse I wish to have one day (this time a real one)
For: map stack contest
TAPIONA TAPIONA TAPIONA, Love ya darlin' mean it!
For: avatar wars contest
For: angry mascot contest
Anyone see that movie where the mannequin comes to life?? Thanks to ElRincon @ SXC for the great image.