16 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Maxim

(5 years and 406 days ago)

Gray plus
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats for 1 and 2

(5 years and 413 days ago)

A kiss
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Maxim

(5 years and 413 days ago)

A kiss
avatar still26
still26 says:

Looks like this ought to be censored . Two hairy strawberries.

(5 years and 415 days ago)

A kiss
avatar still26
still26 says:

Hairbrush, dog brush, a brush?!

(5 years and 415 days ago)

In a row
avatar still26
still26 says:

Uh oh dust on sensor.

(5 years and 484 days ago)

Puffs of clouds
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice, but I probably would have cropped out that thumb

(5 years and 491 days ago)

The pages
avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

'Photograph ONE of the numbers which lay between 51'...

(5 years and 492 days ago)

The pages
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Maxim

(5 years and 504 days ago)

Calm and quiet
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

I like it. You can tell by the reflexions it was taken through a glass pane, but it has a fairytale feeling. The tilt adds to it.

(5 years and 506 days ago)

The clan of birds
avatar robvdn
Moderator says:

author can you explain under which conditions this photo has been taken?

(5 years and 507 days ago)

The clan of birds
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Rain forest ?

(5 years and 509 days ago)

Warm and wet
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Think it needs to be a tad sharper,and would crop of some of the right as well

(5 years and 515 days ago)

In the morning
avatar still26
still26 says:

Check your horizon line as it has a tilt to the left and your sensor needs cleaning as the dust spots show. I like the vast open feel to this but you have some black clipping right at the bottom.

(5 years and 515 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

You have significant noise in the sky but the scene is scary and has good emotive power.

(5 years and 515 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice, I like the feeling this gives me.

(5 years and 520 days ago)

In the Countryside
avatar still26
still26 says:

There is a tilt to the left with this upload, you might want to take it down and straighten it. Also, a little less sky (crop down) would punch out the road a bit more. A wintery road well taken.

(5 years and 524 days ago)

At dusk
avatar photonut
photonut says:

I like this one,slightly tells a story,would crop of thet person on the right,would make this better.

(5 years and 526 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice idea, a tad soft though. Good composition.

(5 years and 551 days ago)

Just snap your fingers!
avatar still26
still26 says:

Great idea, nice tight crop that holds us in the photo. I wonder if black and white with high contrast would pop it more ?

(5 years and 554 days ago)

Ready to Fight
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I like the abstract feel to this, and being able to see the flakes so prominently. Used a flash, I assume?

(5 years and 625 days ago)

In winter in the forest
avatar still26
still26 says:

Twins, maybe but they are fraternal...ha. Nice angle to this shot and tight too keeps our focus on the "twins".

(5 years and 625 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Twins, maybe but they are fraternal...ha. Nice angle to this shot and tight too keeps our focus on the "twins".

(5 years and 625 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

YIKES, looks like it needs more than a repaint...someone could use a new gate. Why did you clip off a piece of the gate?

(5 years and 625 days ago)

It needs to be repainted
avatar still26
still26 says:

Like this one, that tree covered in snow makes for a stronger image.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

this is missing a strong focal point.....yes the snow is there, inclement weather for sure.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

In winter in the forest
avatar still26
still26 says:

Taken from your hotel room I bet...ha ! A happy snappy photo of a dreary day.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

A Rainy day
avatar still26
still26 says:

I wonder what aperture you used for this upload as you have significant blurring, perhaps that was your intention. I find this rather a romantic upload, it is poetic but could be sharper.

(5 years and 625 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I like the story here, it is a bit of a mystery. A knife, roses, and shadows. Good pop on the main focal point giving a good crisp image.

(5 years and 634 days ago)

A Knife
avatar still26
still26 says:

Knee, but it is the object on the knee that steals the show....

(5 years and 636 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Just thought I ought to tell you that I like this back shot and how the fragility of the child, the child's smallness bounces off that knight. You have to be careful not to nip off the feet due to tight cropping....or shooting. I have a tendency to do the same thing as we tend to get absorbed into the photo and forget about extremities. This is a nice photo and I have enjoyed viewing it.

(5 years and 636 days ago)

A Knight and a Kid
avatar still26
still26 says:

It is a shock to wake up in the morning and find a blanket of snow where new life is springing up .....winter's last hurrah! A hot spot dead center weakens this image somewhat.

(5 years and 647 days ago)

Such a snow April...
avatar still26
still26 says:

There is something that is so endearing with this post. It is natural, it is pure .....the two subjects fit right into the beauty surrounding them but most of all I love the connection of the two with the photographer....giving a very comfortable feel. As far as the technical elements of this photo go it is well done however, I would take your burn brush and brush in that very white blow out on the tree by the little girl's leg. I see you do have photographic information there (just tilt the screen and you will see it too)....so it will burn in easily HOWEVER, I don't think that is allowed with these contests....but OK to do when you go to frame this image!

(5 years and 647 days ago)

Ladies in Nature
avatar still26
still26 says:

This really does speak of spring, new beginnings, freshness, coolness and your dof manipulation brings it home. Do you think it could have been a stronger image without dead center composition and using the rule of 3's?

(5 years and 648 days ago)

First Green in Spring
avatar still26
still26 says:

This looks hand held as there is a lot of camera shake showing but what a pretty scene. You need a tripod to shoot this at night.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Did you use your tripod for this shot as it is a bit soft? I like the side placement/composition.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Night Beauty
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like the way you considered your composition with the path staying true to the rule of 3's. Can you see you have a tilt of the horizon line to the L you need to take down this photo and straighten it. Also, look in the bushes on the L side (viewer's left) can you see you have clipping or block up. Block up is the opposite of blow out except it is black and you have lost all detail...it is black. That is due to exposure calibration. Are you shooting on A mode or M mode? If you switch to manual you will have much more creative power over your camera. The photo is really nice and exudes a place of peace, and that would be paradise for me.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Under the southern sun
avatar still26
still26 says:

Wow imagine hiking and finding this castle. I wonder if living there would be paradise....maybe if you were a princess with a handsome prince. I feel the image could be stronger and have a stronger visual impact with a bit tighter crop all round to highlight the castle. A touch more contrast would pop the clouds as well. You would still have enough of those great mountains showing at the side to further add depth.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Beautiful castle among beautiful nature
avatar still26
still26 says:

You managed to catch all the sparkling diamonds, including the pretty one smiling back at you. A wonderful memory photo that will hold a special place in the family album.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Sparkling paradise
avatar still26
still26 says:

Reflections of summer indeed. Well seen, however the image is soft and I did check it in high resolution, it also comes out soft on there as well. You might want to take it down and sharpen it up a tad.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

In summer
avatar still26
still26 says:

Plain and simple and to the point with good usage of dof manipulation. This follows the KISS principle and I am a sucker for KISS. Your ISO was spot on as this is smooth as butter.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Plain and simple
avatar still26
still26 says:

Naw................really. Osier willow, now all I have to do is remember that. Ha

(5 years and 664 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

It is also called a willow.

(5 years and 664 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Very much out of focus...this was not an easy contest as I also struggled with my eyes.

(5 years and 664 days ago)

Looking through
avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes, I would agree with photonut....OR....crop down until most are gone except maybe for the rays of that one light above.

(5 years and 664 days ago)

The mystery of East
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Think the side view does not work as well as a frontal view

(5 years and 664 days ago)

Looking through
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Think I would crop those lights out

(5 years and 664 days ago)

The mystery of East
avatar still26
still26 says:

I didn't know that was called Osier, thank you for educating me and now I will look at this tree with a new set of eyes. Well caught because you have managed to show us how huge this tree is....this Osier is.

(5 years and 664 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice, sharp and exotic.

(5 years and 664 days ago)

The mystery of East