
This was modeled in 3ds Max 2008, textured using Photo shop CS4 and rendered in mental ray.
This was modeled in 3ds Max 2008, textured using Photo shop CS4 and rendered in mental ray.
This was completely done in photoshop CS4. Options used: text tool, Free transform, Move tool & paint bucket for the background. My work depicts the scene - Eve's approach to Adam to taste the forbidden fruit after tasting it herself. I have made a bite mark on the fruit to visually present that...
Who else can use these beams better than a dog?
For: metal beams contest
For: christmas contest
This innocent boy wonders why his toy horse is still in its starting point and not moved an inch forward! Materials used - Pencil, water color and charcoal.
A simple sketch using HB & 3B pencils.
For: seahorses TD contest