55 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar DanLundberg

No SBS and I'm too lazy to look at the undescribed sources to try to figure out what you did. I really like the colors, but I think moving the moon more to the right might yield a more interesting diagonal composition, plus more and longer shadows would seem to be in order. The distorted, giant horse head with the unusual human-skull snout strikes me as being too small a portion of the otherwise-essentially-realistic image to convey surrealism (beyond the admittedly strking impact of the strong contrast in the foreground/background coloring) besides being more odd than spooky as required by the contest description IMO. As for the 'deadly fog' in the title, the horizon is crisp and the purple clouds look like dust from the apparently crumbling towers, so I don't see any fog. (BTW what's with the white edge on the top of the towers in hi-res?)

(5 years and 3389 days ago)

Deadly fog
avatar Tuckinator

good one

(5 years and 3474 days ago)

rest in peace
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

I don't know the reflection in glasses don't look right I tried looking in high resolution but no better?

(5 years and 3477 days ago)

music god
avatar elficho
elficho says:

you can't what? do the shadows? create a new layer below the hat layer, take a black brush with 0 hardness and start painting beneath the hat where the shadow sould be. then lower the opacity to whatever seems natural and convincing. then you'll have something.

(5 years and 3478 days ago)

rest in peace
avatar elficho
elficho says:

besides the above comments, you should flip the hat cause of the light source. and the stars on the flag in the sky are barely noticable

(5 years and 3479 days ago)

rest in peace
avatar spaceranger

The silo work on the hat needs some clean up. I agree about the need for shadows also. The sentiment is nice.
You need to post sources as required by the rules and guidelines.

(5 years and 3479 days ago)

rest in peace
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Nice idea. IMO hat is a little big and needs to cast a shadow.

(5 years and 3479 days ago)

rest in peace
avatar Nickk
Nickk says:

Don't want to be rude... But if it's a god than he doesn't live anymore, right?
Well nice idea though


(5 years and 3479 days ago)

music god
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Looks more like Neil Young than Elvis. (Which is actually sort of appropriate, since Young is more of a rock god than Elvis ever was).

(5 years and 3480 days ago)

music god
avatar spaceranger

Say what you will author but the lens flare does not seem to be naturally occurring and is not consistent with the lighting strength of the photo. I too see this as a photoshopped image.

(5 years and 3480 days ago)

the animals
avatar solkee
solkee says:

I'm not that good with photography but this looks photoshopped to me (something I am more familiar with). The lens flare, vignette and the DOF look like they have been manipulated. The lack of a High Res doesn't help either way.

(5 years and 3481 days ago)

the animals
avatar FallingHorse

aaaah - run

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

The sunspot is lensflare k5683 there is also a green lensflare in the bottom RHS

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

the animals
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

how did you get that look to it. It is kind of neat in a way (for another picture) but it almost seems manipulated. It would be neat to know how you got that sunspot so clear.

(5 years and 3483 days ago)

the animals
avatar UncleJimmy

agrees.....photo quality is severly lacking here, set up is nice though

(5 years and 3484 days ago)

the animals
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Good idea but tiny pic..

(5 years and 3485 days ago)

avatar Kare
Kare says:

Reminds me of work to much, dont mind giving needles, just dont like getting them

(5 years and 3486 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Nice collection, but you will really need to improve the quality of the photo.

(5 years and 3487 days ago)

the animals
avatar Teebone100


(5 years and 3487 days ago)

avatar askingalexandria

I am right there with you needles are incredibly frightening to me

(5 years and 3487 days ago)

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Very well shot, it definitely looks scary, but maybe that's because I really don't like needles.

(5 years and 3488 days ago)
