Different Yet The Same

For: abstract friendship contest
office romance?
For: abstract friendship contest
@ the temple entrance in the Chinese Pavillion - Disney World, Florida. If you stood right under this spot, amplifies even the softest whisper. The patterns caught my eye on this one.
Detail of an American flag made of beads... must have taken months if not years to complete. Taken with my Canon point-and-shoot.
Got my first DSLR. Learning about Aperture and Focal Length combinations using my daughter's paint-a-house ceramic craft toy.
Taken at Disney World's Japan Pavillion.
For: angels contest
I raided my daughter's room for a couple of the objects.
This was taken Halloween 2009. My daughter was so tired from all the excitement, came home and found our pile of laundry on the floor. She went lights out in 30 seconds.
For: snooze contest
My wife took me to Zion National Park in Utah for my birthday. On one of our trail trips, I chanced upon this father and daughter playing by the river. I had to capture the moment.
For: on vacation contest
Weekend trip to Laguna Beach.
For: on vacation contest
Me doing a survivor pose during a kayaking adventure in SoCal.
For: on vacation contest
My daughter wants her ball back!