
Created in 3Ds Max 2008.
I made this with 3ds max 2008, and render using mental ray.
Created with 3ds max 2008, and rendered with mental ray. All source are from 3ds max 2008 texture map that included with program.
This is my model design of EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) Bomb. It is a variety of hand granade. When explode, it will release electro-manetic pulse in radius 100 meters and it will kill all electronic system in radius range. EMP Bomb was created with 3D Studio Max 2008.
For: wmd contest
This model was created in 3D Studio Max 2008 and rendered with Mental ray renderer. All source from 3D Studio Max default map except the black disc image. This image from my friend Tunggul.
For: music mayhem contest