For: five photos contest
A bit uncomfortable, but tough!!
For: crazy shoes contest
I took the original stew recipe from here: http://southernfood.about.com/od/beefstewrecipes/r/bl01025j.htm The fire brushes are from Obsidian Dawn (http://www.obsidiandawn.com/) Edit: the fire brush was downloaded from here http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/art/Flames-Fire-Photoshop-Brushes-1772...
For: recipes contest
Please see in hi-res!
For: snow walk contest
The bubbles where made following (more or less) this tutorial: http://vector.tutsplus.com/tutorials/illustration/how-to-create-realistic-vector-bubbles/ but done on photoshop, not illustrator...
Thanks to obsidian dawn for the scratch brushes. (In the SBS, were I say scartc brush I mean scratch brush. )
For: cowboy contest
For: strange architecture contest
...and this was my favorite shirt! (I've just seen there's another "Hulk" on the contest. But I've spent many hours doing this and I don't want to just throw it away... hope it's ok to post it)
For: shout contest
Who in this land is fairest of all? (And you better be very careful with what you answer...) Many thanks to GlamourousAcid-Stock (http://browse.deviantart.com/resources/stockart/?qh=§ion=&q=woman+face#/duljx9) And to Chamberstock (http://browse.deviantart.com/resources/stockart/?qh...
For: old knife contest
There're a couple of source that I couldn't put in the source list (had no space!!): Stair (thanks chase N.) http://www.flickr.com/photos/allaboutchase/3544487843/ And toolbox (thanks shoesfullofdust) http://www.flickr.com/photos/shoesfullofdust/3998620647/
For: smurfs contest
Baby's in a wrong place... Thank you to Redvisualg at sxc for the lovely baby photo: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1023719
Why? Because I saw the orange fantasy contest, read DanLundberg's comment and this image just came to my mind and I couldn't get rid of it. But, as the contest is about fantasy and this is sci-fi (or something like that), that's why I've posted it here! Thanks Nasa for the earth image. Thanks O...
Just a lot of pen tool and paint bucket...
For: wpap contest
Source 11: Cloud brush http://qbrushes.net/nature/cloud-brushes/ Another Halloween image, loool!!