
For: word objects contest
acrylic made up from my head
For: tigers td contest
Had to have a crack at painting one. Done in Acrylics.
For: tigers td contest
this one in "AMBIENT OCCLUSION" superfast modelin in MAYA.. some extrudin some boolean some this n that (scalin n all) lol :D don knw much of lightin n texturin (i`m expectin d gurues here to guide me on that :) will b in tuch soon :) was neva goin to submit this had not ma sis h...
Cinema 4D 11.5 Credit: (zachd1_618) -
For: mixed manipulations 3 contest
I saw an entry with water effect, how about fire :D? This image of phoenixes I made for other contest, and this contest gives me chance to bring it to Pxleyes. Every comments and suggestions are very welcome. Credits comes to: Falln stock, Greencheck, Sitara Leota stock, Felixdeon, and dark dragon...
For: mixed manipulations 3 contest
SandWorld Baltic-Sea Lübeck-Travemünde 2005 (Canon IXUS 5)
For: sand contest
Life without friends just isn't happy
For: dew contest
While walking our dogs through a field, I found a dragonfly covered with dew. I thought it was dead, but as the sun rose he started to slowly move and eventually flew away.
For: dew contest
Where do you still find empty parking garages...
For: parking lot contest