
For: garden contest
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For: kitchen view contest
My attempt to show Gramophone De Luxe (shown in source1,2) as a new product in the market.. Thanks to phonogalerie for the visual references.
For: music mayhem contest
This was shot at Cave Hill Cemetery. Where many monuments and statues were placed for graves.
For: graveyards contest
Thanks to: - T. Tulic and J. Charles Cuvelier @ Photoxpress; - tibchris, paparutzi, The ChainMaille Lady and notahandbag @ Flickr; - allergyfre @ Sxc.hu; - jana koll @ RGBStock; - CGTextures.com. Reference: http://www.counterfeitchic.com/Images/Betty_Boop.jpg
I based this entry on my own turntable and for the most part tried to recreate in proportion. Surprisingly this wasn't too hard as it is quite a simple object. (used mainly tubes cubes & cylinders.) Well I hope I have done it credit. I saved up my wages in my first job and bought it which was...
For: music mayhem contest
"I am Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Bravo
For: kitchen view contest
drew all but the car. check out the high res
For: mixed art DD contest
These really mess with your head while you are making them :p
For: illusions dd contest
musicity is not music-city rather abt musiciousness!!! :) rather bizarre one.. describin life in terms of MUSIC started jst 2 hrs short of deadline n that too in MS-PAINT!! not an impressive one or a creative one nevertheless submittin my super-fast work....lol :) sorry for the really reall...
For: music DD contest