Where's the rest of the house

Flooding caused by a hurricane caused this house to be broken apart. Sony camera.
For: nature vs human 2 contest
Flooding caused by a hurricane caused this house to be broken apart. Sony camera.
For: nature vs human 2 contest
every parents worst nightmare.
For: bubble gum contest
The structure was built upon the reef on the orders of Sir William Hillary (who helped to found the Royal National Lifeboat Institution) in 1832. After several shipwrecks upon the semi-submerged rock, he wanted a refuge for survivors until help could arrive. Sir William, who personally contributed a...
For: town history contest
This is actually Stadium High School in Tacoma WA. It was built in 1891 as the finest hotel on the west coast, however, plans changed, and it became a high school in 1906 which it has been ever since.
For: town history contest
Through the millennia many mythical stories of its origin have been told. According to a myth that blends Celtic and Greco-Roman elements, the hero Hercules slew the giant tyrant Geryon after three days and three nights of continuous battle. Hercules then—in a Celtic gesture— buried th...
For: town history contest
My daughter's favorite is my childhood favorite...keeping it in the family, classic. :)
For: tv shows contest
Thanks to my wife for baking!!!
For: baked bread contest
Um... not sure what to say about this one, just really liked the lighting. I couldn't get a bad picture at this table :)
For: billiards contest
Remnants of the wooden poles of a fish trap on the beach west of Nairn
For: remnants contest