684 favorites given:



For: out of dark contest

» Comments: 5
» Score: 63.42%
» Rank: 16 out of 34



Video SBS

For: walking stick contest

» Comments: 12
» Score: 69.38%
» Rank: 1 out of 18

Process this...

Process this...

For: computer parts 2 contest

» Score: 61.92%
» Rank: 7 out of 33

From Thought to Canvas

From Thought to Canvas

For: pashmina contest

» Comments: 26
» Score: 73.99%
» Rank: 1 out of 15

Early Bird Catches Worm

Early Bird Catches Worm

For: pashmina contest

» Comments: 13
» Score: 67.32%
» Rank: 2 out of 15

A House in the Trees

A House in the Trees

Just source used for entire image. Details in SBS.

For: pashmina contest

» Comments: 7
» Score: 66.64%
» Rank: 3 out of 15

Black Wind

Black Wind

I loved how dynamic this pose was! So I figured some sort of super heroin (or perhaps villain) was in order :)

For: dress up contest

» Comments: 14
» Score: 72.97%
» Rank: 1 out of 8

The Red Eyed Bandicooter

The Red Eyed Bandicooter


For: cactus seed contest

» Comments: 10
» Score: 64.36%
» Rank: 2 out of 8

Fairness Product Ad

Fairness Product Ad

This picture is taken by me. Only the cream tube is the external source. In this photo I'm trying to show how those types of products(Fairness products) cheat people. Whatever you are, be happy with that. You are beautiful as god made you. No fairness cream can make you fairer.

For: ad truth contest

» Comments: 9
» Score: 63.45%
» Rank: 3 out of 7

Raising All Bars?...

Raising All Bars?...

For: ad truth contest

» Comments: 6
» Score: 65.13%
» Rank: 1 out of 7

From Darkness

From Darkness

So I did what I'm sure we all have done at some point, and spent hours and hours on an entry just to find I'm a couple levels too low for that contest :( In other words I made an entry for the gorilla contest and then realized I need to be a slightly higher level. Oh well serves me right for not pay...

For: mixed media 9 contest

» Comments: 13
» Score: 71.03%
» Rank: 1 out of 8

Strange Creature

Strange Creature

For: mixed media 9 contest

» Comments: 4
» Score: 67.8%
» Rank: 2 out of 8

In Love

In Love

For: mixed media 9 contest

» Comments: 4
» Score: 61.17%
» Rank: 7 out of 8

Sinking Path

Sinking Path

Credits: http://muttstock.deviantart.com http://resurgere.deviantart.com http://dawnallynnstock.deviantart.com Caro Lander bas3ssen night_fate lousyrats

For: mix of three contest

» Comments: 5
» Score: 64.22%
» Rank: 3 out of 9

Surreal View

Surreal View

For: mix of three contest

» Comments: 2
» Score: 62.3%
» Rank: 7 out of 9



For: mix of three contest

» Comments: 11
» Score: 68.74%
» Rank: 1 out of 9

Downward Yonder

Downward Yonder

If you can lead a horse to water, why not a lost, thirsty flamingo? Just follow the tracks.

For: mix of three contest

» Comments: 8
» Score: 68.44%
» Rank: 2 out of 9

Abandoned Train Station

Abandoned Train Station

For: incoming train contest

» Comments: 10
» Score: 67.1%
» Rank: 1 out of 6



Submarine base WWII

For: incoming train contest

» Comments: 6
» Score: 66.53%
» Rank: 2 out of 6

Glass of Wine

Glass of Wine

Just a quick one. Haven't quite got the transparent feel to the wine that I was hoping for, but hope you like anyway!

For: reflective contest

» Comments: 2
» Score: 63.54%
» Rank: 3 out of 6

Leapin' at the Beach

Leapin at the Beach

source and my photo, image reference from FLICKR THANKS TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³

For: franklin 1934 contest

» Comments: 7
» Score: 60.9%
» Rank: 4 out of 8

Future Toy

Future Toy

For: franklin 1934 contest

» Comments: 15
» Score: 72.71%
» Rank: 1 out of 8

Beware the Snark

Beware the Snark

Arrogantus Pretentious, or the more common name, the Snark, is a parasitical animal that attaches itself to people at birth. Using their sharp, little claws to hook into its host, its growth is dependant on cruel, thoughtless or careless comments uttered by said host. The Snark believes it is an exp...

For: cactus seed contest

» Comments: 14
» Score: 70.07%
» Rank: 1 out of 8

I Hide You Go Seek

I Hide You Go Seek


For: pashmina contest

» Comments: 9
» Score: 66.15%
» Rank: 4 out of 15