Roman Mosaic

I hope you like it...many hours of work because is made piece by piece :)
For: tractor contest
I hope you like it...many hours of work because is made piece by piece :)
For: tractor contest
For: come 2 life contest
Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) by C+C Music Factory
For: song title 2 contest
For: photo contest sources contest
Guys, anything that has to be corrected can not be! Unfortunately I did not save the PSD and you can not imagine how I am so furious. Because of this, SBS can not be done. So I improvised SBS, but will not say much, just where I put each element. Sorry, I am very upset for having sh@#!
For: swiss border contest
worked this image in corel and photoshop (for blending the images more easily). more details in sbs, soon! credits and thanks: SBS soon
For: teddybears picnic contest